Hayden Christensen completely ruins this and Attack of the Clones

Why in the world did they ever cast that whiny, sulking, boy-loser as a young Darth Vader? Quite possibly one of the worst choices in the history of casting.

Surely I can't be the only one with this opinion (though, I looked through the boards and didn't see other threads).


He's God awful in Attack of the Clones, not much better in Revenge of the Sith.
The casting overall was pretty poor, the overuse of CGI spoilt many scenes.
There is way more bad than good in the prequels and AOTC is possibly one of the worst films ever made.
HC is a terrible actor, he was so wooden and the delivery of his lines where as if they were read just read off a page with no expression. I can't watch AOTC without throwing major insults at the TV.
I'm glad I'm no the only one thought this. Thanks OP.


It would have been a lot more painful to hear a GOOD actor say those horrible lines that Lucas wrote.


Nothing against the actor. He just wasn't right for the part.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


He was SPOT ON for the role

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Don't feed the troll...


I did not like him in the Attack of the Clones, he was however much, much better in ROTS. In any case he did not ruin any SW movie.

This "honour" belongs completely to the whole Episode VIII.


peoples give shits to mark hamill for having no career after star war. what happened to hayden? he vanish!
