It's not a horrible movie, but it isn't good. I'd go 2.5 stars, and that's being generous.
There are some very good scenes. Order 66 is great. Anakin vs Obi-Wan is terrific. I personally like Mace vs Palpatine.
But there's so much bad or mediocre in it. Through acting is bad, and not just by Hayden. Natalie Portman is awful. Samuel Jackson has some bad moments. Ewan McGregor, while great for most of it, even has some awful moments, like when he finds out Anakin is evil. "It can't be. I can't watch anymore". He says calmly with no emotion or anything.
Grevious his HORRIBLE. That damn cough is pointless and irritating. I don't give a damn if they explain it in the TV series. What the hell was the need for it? It's just awful. And then Grevious himself is just unintimidating and laughable. Definitely not the bad ass he's supposed to be.
Special effects are bad. Way overuse of CGI. How is it that original movies, which came out decades before, can look way better?
I don't blame people for liking them, as it's just an opinion, but it does annoy me when people just accuse people who don't like it of being haters and are hating it for fun. How come your opinion is valid but mine aren't?