Hate Bandwagon

When this movie came out in 05 everyone loved it for the most part. It had an 8.something rating on IMBD for a long time...now its 7.6. With the release of the new movie there seems to be a bandwagon of episode III hate. Not cool. Ep3 was great. Yeah it had its moments of Haydenisms but
People are acting like if Hayden took his talents to Miami or killed a kitten. Lol Am i the only one?


The movie was always dreadful...Matthew stover pretty much opened my eyes to how much of a creative failure the film was compared to its own novelization


Matthew stover pretty much opened my eyes to how much of a creative failure the film was compared to its own novelization
I have the opposite view. The novelization had Grievous making twenty lightsaber strikes per second in his duel with Obi-Wan, Anakin spouting one-liners whilst wiping out the Separatist leaders and Obi-Wan leaving Mustafar because he senses Sidious approaching.

"Have to say, Jimmy - you turned into a real impressive fighter. If I was ol' Mengsk, I'd be runnin' scared from you, too."
"You really mean that, Tychus?"
"Nah. I was just kiddin'."


Well those actually gave the novel actual sense...yhe novelization has a story while the movie is nothing but explosions


I actually liked his film. Here are some cheesy moments and a few bad voice overs, but the story was interesting. It tied the Star Wars universe together in a very poignant way. There were very few plot points that were unaddressed.


Poignant? Lol good one, this film is fundamentally not poignant to its core. Also, the stuff they did address was sloppily thrown together while some create even more questions.


It's almost baffling how one tie in novel can be more satisfying then the entire trilogy


Thanks for that bandwagon belongs to the RLM kool-aid drinkers, despite how disappointed Rich Evan was with sloppy Force Awakens and how Mike Stoklasa was couldn't shower it with unearned praise. Sometimes it seems like Cinema Sins is the only company that gives fair reviews, since "shallowness" as it were can be so precise. However, I'll not that they subtracted more sins from Force than possibly any other title, which means that they liked it. Fair enough.


After Phantom Menace and Attack of The Clones, I was just happy at the time to have a fairly fun Star Wars movie. But it didn't take it long to wear off and for me to see it how I see it now: the best of an awful trilogy.

It has some nice visuals and music but that's it for me. The ending with Padme losing the will to live... despite giving birth to her children, is a complete joke to me and added to other elements, just ruins the birth of Darth Vader imo.

I can't watch the OT with this version of Anakin's fall in my mind.


It's not a horrible movie, but it isn't good. I'd go 2.5 stars, and that's being generous.

There are some very good scenes. Order 66 is great. Anakin vs Obi-Wan is terrific. I personally like Mace vs Palpatine.

But there's so much bad or mediocre in it. Through acting is bad, and not just by Hayden. Natalie Portman is awful. Samuel Jackson has some bad moments. Ewan McGregor, while great for most of it, even has some awful moments, like when he finds out Anakin is evil. "It can't be. I can't watch anymore". He says calmly with no emotion or anything.

Grevious his HORRIBLE. That damn cough is pointless and irritating. I don't give a damn if they explain it in the TV series. What the hell was the need for it? It's just awful. And then Grevious himself is just unintimidating and laughable. Definitely not the bad ass he's supposed to be.

Special effects are bad. Way overuse of CGI. How is it that original movies, which came out decades before, can look way better?

I don't blame people for liking them, as it's just an opinion, but it does annoy me when people just accuse people who don't like it of being haters and are hating it for fun. How come your opinion is valid but mine aren't?


Revenge of the Sith is still very enjoyable, trolls just can't help being trolls.


So people who dislike it are automatically trolls? Mature of you.


Most of them on this board are so yeah.


He's right. Why are people trolls just for not liking something you do?


Because this is imdb.


Can't even give an actual answer.


You don't deserve an actual answer.


Let them hate. Revenge of the Sith is still the best Star Wars movie bar ep IV and V. In mine, and many others opinions anyway.


I agree ! The prequals made tons of money. Episode 1 grossed 1 billion, Episode II = 650 million, episode III 850 million. Those who hate them were outvoted at the box office.

***I block hateful responses***


Just because a movie grosses a lot at the box office doesn't mean it's good. Or do the Transformers and Twilight films count as good cinema to you?


It doesn't mean they are bad also. You not liking them doesn't make them bad.


This is true. But when someone's only "proof" of a film being good is box office, it's hard to take seriously.


So what's your objective barometer of a good or bad movie ? The opinion of a film critic ?

***I block hateful responses***


My barometer is actually thinking critically about the film myself as well as looking at what others discuss to see if their arguments are valid. Yours appears to be nothing but a number.


Somebody must have loved those films if they were popular. Can't argue with $$$ at the box office. I respect that others may enjoy different films than I happen to watch. Just because I don't watch Twilight or Transformers does not make them bad films.
***I block hateful responses***


People will love anything, especially if they have a religious-like obsession with it.

And no, what makes Transformers and Twilight bad is the atrocious writing and directing, along with some incredibly weak performances in the latter (in the former, the humans are either annoying or forgettable).
