17 years later i'm still ANGRY!!

How bad this movie was!

Bloated CGI

Natalie Portman is a good actress? What movie?

Young Anikan couldn't they find a good kid actor?
Watched A.I. by Speilberg Haley Joel Osment was excellent! Why couldn't they find someone like him?


Man, you gotta let it go. Chillax, dude!


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

This time The Phantom Menace will be better.


How exactly will the Phantom Menace be better "this time"?

Do you plan to independently fund, produce, write, direct and re-film it?

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


I agree.


"Young Anikan couldn't they find a good kid actor? "

Yes they could, they actually had a dozen who were way better and they picked the absolute worst one of the bunch.

Instead of watching this horrible movie, watch the bonus features of the "making of" (especially the part about the casting of the kid): it's very revealing and a lot more interesting than the movie.

Basically it's a lesson on what NOT to do when making a movie: every film student should watch it.


Not even Haley Joel Osment could have salvaged that turkey.


They found a better kid actor (Sam Michael), but Lucas wanted Jake Lloyd for some reason.

Perhaps the reason was that the other actor looked like a young Mark Hamill, but Lloyd looked more like a young George Lucas.

As it was, all of the final three final casting choices were too young. Casting director Robin Gurland did not do a great job there, and Lucas should have known that such a young kid, Jake Lloyd being the youngest of the three, would not go over well as a future suitor for Padme. Of the three, Michael was by far the best from what the public has been allowed to see, and he looked the oldest.


My brother had the best idea - make Annakin a 20+ year old space fighter pilot.


Lloyd was fine in "Jingle All The Way" and his screen test. The problem was the directing and script. Nobody could deliver a line like "Yippee!" well.


Yeah, Lloyd was fine. Lucas just didn't get the help he needed to direct a child that young. It wasn't his strong point.


“Yippee!” Or “this is tense!”


Actually it turned out that Phantom Menace had more real sets than any of the original Star Wars movies, yeah I didn't believe it either until I found that webpage that catalogs all of the real sets & props.


Even if Haley Joel Osment himself had played Annakin, it would not have mattered. The movie was bantha fodder.


Face facts - the movie was poorly written. Even if better actors had been used it still would have been a turkey.
