Should the title of this film be changed…
…to make it more inclusive?
shareAbsolutely NOT!
shareAbsolutely NOT!!!!!
shareMy biggest fear is black Hermione in the upcoming harry potter series
shareIt's not black Hermione that's a problem for me, it's Zendaya Hermione specifically. I still wonder how she's a thing. And, of course, if I don't like her, it must only be because she's black and I don't like black people. /s
shareThat's your "biggest fear"? That Harry Potter - the boy wizard, Harry Potter's sidekick will be black?
shareI'm surprised Marvel haven't already done it to the comic. Or have they?
shareThe already tried. The last movie was released as Dark Phoenix, and its sales were disappointing, because most people didn’t know what it was. I noticed it’s retroactively been renamed X-Men: Dark Phoenix
share'I noticed it’s retroactively been renamed X-Men: Dark Phoenix'
Has it? Did not realise that!
It’s listed here/IMDb as X-men: Dark Phoenix, and current DVD/Blue Rays have X-men displayed prominently with Dark Phoenix as a subtitle. This was definitely not the case when it was released. It was just Dark Phoenix with the X in Phoenix as the logo.
shareHell no.