Which the Enterprise was easily adapted to in a matter of, what, hours? And they got to the planet in one piece, as did Dougherty's ship and each of the Son'a ships.
And the Son'a ship's didn't come out in one piece, due to their impulse-Engines getting contact with one of these clouds lingering in that region (yes, this was due to the Enterprise purposefully arranging this, but still...). Yeah, totally save to fly millions of starships into this region.
Plus, the Federation has transport ships and stations capable of carrying thousands. This is not as unworkable as you're making it out to be.
A Galaxy-Class Starship has a Capacity for about 1000 People. Transporting 5 Billion People would therefore require 5 million flights of Galaxy-class Starships. Assuming this flight takes one week (rather too short than too long) the Fed's would need about 96.153 Galaxy-Class-Starships, solely devoted to bring sick people into the Briar Patch and the cured out of it.
It is as unworkebale as I'm making it out to be.
So if the Ba'ku entered negotiations and brought brought up the above as an alternative to them giving up their homes for the sake of a short-term potentially detrimental plan hastily put together by people the Federation have no reason to trust - you'd still consider anything the Federation did afterward justified, no matter how criminal.
1) see above about the complete insanity of your "alternative"
2) again, I see no base for your claim, that the Cure is a short term solution.
3) if the Baku are putting staying where they are (which isn't even their origin - they are still colonists, many still of the first Generation) above the lives of Billions of peoples, while, as I already explained there would be absolutly ne necessary change in their Lifestyle: yes, then the Fed's would be pretty much justified.