Who saw this in cinemas back in 98/99?
Who saw this back in the day? What were your memories - the anticipation of seeing it in the weeks/days before, the actually seeing it and how much a big deal was it where you were back then, the crowds, audience etc and after coming out of the cinema what were your thoughts and in the days/weeks that followed..
after FC anticipation way very high (abit like after Trek IV)and as usual there were rumours of what it would be about on the net and in the pages of various SF magazines of the time (Cinescape, SF Universe etc as I still would buy those then) Heart of Darkness etc which sounded great (was big into Apocaylsye Now back then having recently discovered it)
UK didn't get it until January 99 (but I don't recall reading any major spoilers - maybe I avoided reading them) the actual film felt boring from start to finish. they showed the Phantom Menace trailer before and it just looked amazing and totally blew anything that followed in Trek IX away (this was obviously before anyone knew what TPM would turn out like - not much better than Trek IX LOL)
remember just saw it the once (which was a first for me as ever since Trek III id seen each movie more than once at the cinema even Trek V. and itd be the same for Nemesis - just once. I did see ST 2009 twice though)
still bought the stuff for the movie though – magazine, novel, making of book, poster. (no comic this time)