MovieChat Forums > The Patriot (1998) Discussion > dropping the flowers they just collecte...

dropping the flowers they just collected

so they collect all these medicinal flowers on the public and say here.. sort your self out, why not instruct everyone to gather at the hospital for a big tea party.... would surely go along with the whole foundation of america theme, at least the old native american could have supervised the concoction and passed the peace pipe around.,, but i guess seagal liked the whole raining flowers ending. good call steven.... whats next a " and he woke up and found it was all a dream and lived hapily ever after ".... scooby doo ending


I watched this movie with my dad back in 2000. We both cracked up like crazy at the end where the heavily armed soldiers in NBC suits were all picking flowers.. it was hilarious.


I think that scene was meant to be funny. I laughed at the theaters too when I saw those soldiers picking flowers. Add up the fact that it was done in a slow motion.


lol - Yup - the Soldiers should have been skipping too.


"I watched this movie with my dad back in 2000. We both cracked up like crazy at the end where the heavily armed soldiers in NBC suits were all picking flowers.. it was hilarious."

Oh, so you two were the one's who saw it in the theatre. What a bummer to have paid for this. I got it on a free screener and still felt gypped. Had they landed and added the flowers to a serum it might have rec'd a 5 from me. But the dropping, loose no less, from helicopters (why not just drop the duffel?)was just gay. Anyone look closely at those falling flowers? They're all red crepe paper! It rates a 1, only cuz of that great scene where Frank takes out the 2 trucks with dynamite. What crap!

BTW, why doesn't this movie come up on IMDB under a title search for "Patriot"?
Seagal paid extra for that!


No, we rented it on VHS... lol


i like scooby


This movie was TOO corny "maybe, they're getting back at us for all them burgers" pleeease .."Doc i dont have the money for that fancy medicine...well you're one of the best wood-workers in the business, how about you fix up this cabinet for me for the medicine." gooood. "Doc, i brought you a pecan pie" geeeeez. "Western Doctors are in the business of prolonging illness, I'm in the business of preventing it." stuuupid

"Wait a minute, I know what my fortune is, it's partying!"


.............I've generally sworn of Seagal movies after I saw the one promoting blowing up all the oil facilities in Alaska as an answer to America's energy problems, but for some weird reason I decided to watch this one. First of all are the ba-a-a-a-d Seagal lines the previous poster pointed out. Then there were those militia types who looked like they would have problems with "The Turner Diaries" for kids who none the less where able to produce and deliver bio weapons. There was the top secret bio lab, which happened to be nearby, were the personal were dying like flies. In real life half the Army would be gaurding a hot zone if this sort of thing happened in real life..........It was the flower part that got to me. I can understand using plants to treat illnesses, but finding something like that in the middle of the hot zone would be unlikly. Then instead of mixing the flowers into something that the public health people could hand out they dropped the flower petals from helicoupters as if everyone would know what to do with them...........Ok, its just a movie, but a dumb one.
True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.


That they dropped the flowers didn't even make sense! The whole point was that he was drinking the flowers! The government just sprinkled them from the sky, in footage they re-used several times without telling the townspeople to do anything with the petals! Unbelievably stupid!

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


You forget McClaren is influenced by alternative medicine so they may have been dropping flowers all over the air because the virus was known to be airborne and thus the antitoxin acting like aromatherapy. They still could've been giving out sachets of petals however we get the fastest way of dispersing them.
