They took the exact same idea from notorious!!
shareLet me join the chorus of people saying "Thank you for pointing this out!" I was also coming here to post this very same thing if it hadn't been posted before. ALTHOUGH...I'm not about the "they stole" narrative. I've got no problem with a re-imagining of a good story. And Notorious is an excellent story. (This is not to say that I endorse MI2. It's been a while. I don't even remember what I thought of it. Except that I thought "Holy sh*t! This is Notorious!"
shareI would have no problem with them re-imagining (or even shamelessly ripping off) the plot of Notorious if they did it well. But this movie is so awful that it's cringe-worthy.
shareThe first third of the movie appears to be a massive homage to Hitchcock. There are blatant references to To Catch A Thief, North By Northwest, and of course, Notorious. Unfortunately, the film itself is not good enough to justify these nods.
Just forget you ever saw it. It's better that way.
The new film pays homage to Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much, but does it brilliantly, so no one is complaining. Further proof that the ripping off of Notorious wouldn't be a big deal if this movie didn't suck so hard.
shareGood observation. I had a feeling that scene felt familiar from somewhere.
Just forget you ever saw it. It's better that way.
I thought it played well as a homage.