Harsh on Percy?

Yes he was very sadistic in the film sabatoged dell's execution but did he deserve to be turned into a vegetable?

Remember that dell more than likely did something awfull to be on death row but we just see this quiet gentle man were supposed to feel sorry for

Again Percy is portrayed a real scumbag but as far as we know he hasent killed/raped anyone he just seems to have abit of a fetish in seeing these scumbags on death row really suffer, and personally I actually take that stance than the ones the guards have in being pally pally with the death row scum


I am only about a half hour into this movie and I have never watched it before but I can already tell that Percival [he has no business being called by a nickname] is the biggest douche to walk onto ANY SET.

he thinks he can do what he pleases, including throwing his baton at will just because he exchanges Christmas presents with the governor. I hate people like him. the rules don't apply to them and they suck at being human beings.

they have no souls.



"Again Percy is portrayed a real scumbag but as far as we know he hasent killed/raped anyone..."

He never killed anyone, he just happens to work on death row...wait, what?

"he just seems to have abit of a fetish in seeing these scumbags on death row really suffer, and personally I actually take that stance than the ones the guards have in being pally pally with the death row scum"

It's alright to torture murdering, sadistic sum just so long as the murdering, sadistic sum doesn't have any authoritative power. Yeah, that all seems perfectly fair and balanced.

It always amuses me how people will complain about killers and sadists being coddled, but when they happen to be authority figures, these same people are always the first to coddle them. For example, any HLN viewer: "Poor wittle jaun martinez; he was just getting paid large sums of money to yell at people as he sends them to their deaths and the defended TALKED BACK TO HIM! Whaaa!"

And because most of the population is neurotypical no one is able to see the irony.


So Percy done not get turned into a vegetable....he later reports his imprisonment in solitary confinement and get Paul, Brutus and others fired from their jobs and perhaps even serve prison time...in the meantime the dirt-bag Percy climbs the ladder of success using his many connections....The End.

Sounds about right!!

wat are you lookin' at...😬


I think we must realise people commit heinous crimes are still people, at least some of them are who can repent their actions like Del did. He was full of regrets. He remembers the most beautiful times he spent before, wish he could go back there. God forgives those who repent with all their hearts. None can deny Del didn't deserve such a consideration irrespective of what he did. And none probably would have felt he be let off death penalty. He is still going to die but he deserves to die with dignity. This is the mark of a civil society, right?

Percy's actions are quite disgusting. Despite being a meek, cowardly person he takes sadistic pleasure in making restrained people suffer. What he did to Dan is unspeakable crime done to someone who regretted his actions AND is going to die. Percy deserved harsh punishment, otherwise there may quite likely be a lot more Del's as John could see through his hands (whether or not he continued at E5 or had gone to the mental hospital). So to me, I am absolutely in favour of whatever happened to Percy, he deserved it

As for your views on taking his stance, I really do not what to say. I, like the mass audience I guess favoured how Paul & Brutal treated the criminals. :)


and personally I actually take that stance than the ones the guards have in being pally pally with the death row scum

It feels as if you didn't watch The Green Mile. Somehow, you've gotten an entirely different message and in the wrong way. This movie teaches respect, tolerance and morality; not hatred, indecency and murder.

Also, Percy brought his punishment upon himself.

It seems to me like learning to forgive could do you (and those who support the death sentence) some good. The death sentence is as vile as murder itself and it is against the Moral Code and against the teachings of Christianity (for those who choose it as their religion).

Quoting John Coffey:
Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time.


Percy wasn't a criminal but he was a sociopath with no compassion or regard for human beings who was in charge and control of others. That makes him a monster.


Did he deserve to be turned into a vegetable?


Remember that dell more than likely did something awfull to be on death row.

Which is why he got sentenced to death. That's the price he has to pay for his crime. He wasn't sentenced to be tortured by Percy...

Again Percy is portrayed a real scumbag but as far as we know he hasent killed/raped anyone.

He intentionally caused another man to go through horrible suffering before his death. As far as I'm concerned, torture is worst than murder.

personally I actually take that stance than the ones the guards have in being pally pally with the death row scum

Life will eventually teach you that everything isn't so black & white. Look at Caffey. He was sentenced to death, but clearly didn't deserve it. If you'd stop at his sentence and the crime he allegedly committed, you'd be tempted to torture the guy to death. Do you think that would that make you a "good" guy?

Prison guards have a job, and they're doing it. Simple as that. One of the simplest way for prison guards to get their job done is to avoid provoking inmates who have nothing to lose; never forget about the context of being on death row... Better be "friendly" with the guys and avoid getting shanked (or lessen the risk/probability, at least), as far as I'm concerned.



He tortured Dell to death. Why, Dell laughed at him once.

He also attempted to break Dell's heart by killing his mouse.

He was a horrible human being. What he did to Dell was worthy of his outcome.

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