Let's Talk About Tea Leoni
This is a terrible "actress". A more wooden performance I haven't seen. Her expression remains the same throughout the movie. This movie was a dog, too.
shareThis is a terrible "actress". A more wooden performance I haven't seen. Her expression remains the same throughout the movie. This movie was a dog, too.
shareI couldn't have said it better myself. She should have been a model, and not an actress. She has NO depth in this film at all. Duvall couldn't even save this due to the bad writing, and that's saying something. I'm still puzzled how Tea's mom died. She gets a phone call, and the next scene, is Tea getting her necklace from the morgue. What happened ? Other wooden acting performances include the Biederman's girlfriends' parents, when they let their daughter go with Beiderman on the motorcycle. Was this a tv movie ? I hope so. I don't watch tv movies, and I would have been really ticked if I had shelled out any coin for this loser.
shareThe last time you see Tea's mom, aka Vanessa Redgrave, she's carefully applying makeup, ie, getting ready for something big. She's slready given away her possessions and said goodbye, so, my inference is that these are farewell activities before she kills herself.
shareI first watched this movie a long time ago when they played it on tv. I thought the movie sucked balls, not sure how it got so popular (back then). Maybe because at the time, the "disaster" genre was such the "in" thing.
I liked Tea Leoni though. I think she was very pretty. She still is.
Every time I watch this, I think the female lead was made for Sandra Bullock. She would have infused life into the role! Anyone else?
She is a very good comedic actress. Flying Blind was ahead of it's time but too risque for the late 80's. That seems to be her forte. Everything else she is below average to average.
shareThank you. Yes, Flying Blind:
I've been reading all through looking for a place to say how sophisticated and wildly alluring she was in that very clever show and that her droll delivery had me staying up late just to make notes, laugh, and indulge my crush on her character. Guess it's too bad that she'd be a knockout in something by Noel Coward or even Oscar Wilde [if that wouldn't be too literate.] I could also see her a blonde Nora Charles opposite Jude Law as Nick in an updated hommage.
I wish all the haters could see, but maybe that wouldn't help because Flying Blind's writers didn't get their edge from bleeps or need a laugh track.
Oh let's not and say we did. (Sigh)
Yes she is terrible. Since her expression never changed I thought maybe she had Botox.
Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
I absolutely concur about Tea Leoni. Her attempt at acting was embarrassing. The movie wasn't bad, though.
shareSaw this movie last night. Liked the movie but her performance was terrible. Off putting. Unpleasant. Never smiled. Her delivery as a news anchor was beyond repellent. Anyone monitoring the Nielsen ratings of that newscast would have seen their ratings plummet by the second.
shareAgreed - on her and this stinker flick.