MovieChat Forums > Deep Impact (1998) Discussion > Let's Talk About Tea Leoni

Let's Talk About Tea Leoni

This is a terrible "actress". A more wooden performance I haven't seen. Her expression remains the same throughout the movie. This movie was a dog, too.


I totally agree. Her acting is absolutely terrible. Someone, somewhere, backwhen must have liked her 'good looks' and she was able to string together a small mess of 'performances' somehow.


Ironic that she's married to David Duchovny. Another actor noted for an expressionless personage.
I honestly (I swear) thought she was mentally challenged when I first saw her in Bad Boys! It wasn't till towards the end I realized she wasn't. Something about the way she talked, slurred her words, always had her mouth open.
Having said all this, I think she's got her own thing going and I do like watching her.


I agree. She is particularly awful in this movie.


I am so glad her 15-minutes are up. Go away. She always gave me the heebie-jeebies. I'm just sayin'


I'm watching this film for the first time right now, and when she gets the News Anchor position, and reports on the shuttle mission, she was more wooden than any news anchors I've seen. Even Morgan Freeman's Presidential speeches had more punch and attention.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)



I haven't seen her in anything except this movie, which I've just watched. For some reason, I found her generally annoying.

She always seemed to have the same expression on her face, and her delivery of the news was just awful.


I wonder if she had the same annoying expression on her face when the half mile high wall of water hit her like an aircraft carrier slamming into a kitten.


Go on with your bad self, brotherzed! Ms. Leoni leaves me flaccid as I've stated many times but anytime you can in the word impregnate, I'm all for it!


Oh come on. Flaccid? If you'd never heard of her before and you saw her walk by on the street I'll bet you're jaw would hit the sidewalk. She may not be a 10 in your mind, but she is VERY hot. Or was, anyway.


This little string made me LOL, but speaking as a woman (66 years old so you might say I 'did' the 60s), I grok from looking at her, that she's cute, yes, but you wouldn't actually have a 'fun ride' with her. Maybe that's not important, but I've 'had' some good looking guys but the BEST rides were always very ugly and thus very grateful ensuring my satisfaction came first, and since I always felt the same way, it always worked out quite well. I'll go away now and continue running this movie at 2x on netflix.
Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


tantewalleka, your unashamedly proud, cavalier attitude about your youthful, profoundly vulgar wantoness is a painful reminder for many generations to come on this planet of the price we're all paying because some of the millions of baby boomers and that rampant perverse hedonism that you so glibly described.

The ethos of these baby boomers will be historically remembered as a generation that has left the preceding generations without jobs, health- care or a free college education, unlike most of the rest of the world.

You say "life is a journey not a destination: fear nothing".. really?
How fitting.

Regarding that above sentiment, the promiscuous narcissism of the baby boomers has done more to steal from future generations than any other in history. The deficit, Social Security, precious natural resources like water, fossil fuels, trees and forests, more toxic chemicals, not to mention AIDS, and the rise of more STD's etc.

Now that's a "DEEP IMPACT."

now back to Tea Leoni


And there, folks, we have a caricature of the totally indoctrinated leftist, conflicted with a moral center it can't quite find a rational outlet for.


And there, folks, we have a caricature of the totally indoctrinated leftist, conflicted with a moral center it can't quite find a rational outlet for.

Amen! Although, I have to admit that I laughed my arse off while reading it! 


when i saw a woman in her 60s was talking about her sex life i knew it was gonna stir up some *beep* but i never expected something this obnoxious, congratulations. its people like you thats making the world *beep* for the next generation. talk about irony.



How can Morgan Freeman and Robert Duvall (Hey Boo! and "The Ace!") NOT steal ANY movie they are in? Nevertheless, for a supposed news anchor, Tea Leoni could not have been more wooden than she was in this movie. Sheesh!


you go away

"I fought your kind in the great war and we kicked the living *beep* out of you"


Agreed. Not a good actress, and not particularly attractive.


i don't think she is a bad actress. she has been decent in several other movies and her "15 minutes" are not up since she is still getting good roles as recently as 2011's Tower Heist. and i think it was courageous of her to play this particular role the way she did. not many would decide that a T.V. news anchor and white house reporter should be played as if they had never had a speech/public speaking class ever, and generally don't belong in front of a camera. that was brave.


She's actually really good in both The Family Man and Spanglish


I am so happy that you all agree how bad she was. I love this movie, but in her case, I would rather watch water drip. Every time I watch Deep Impact, I wonder how the director could let her be so poker face during the entire movie. I felt sorry for the President as he only wore one suit.


she has her moments. tho, i wonder if she has a brother & if he was named coffee?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


I like her in this movie. When I saw the name of the thread, I thought it was meant for praising actually! :D Hilarious, I know.


wacky! she's pretty good in this.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


I loved her in this movie too. No one seems to notice the intensity in the lines above her eyes in many scenes. Most newscasters learn while reporting not to ever show emotions as they are reporting a story only, and are no part of it.


Yes, actually she is pretty hot, has very beautiful eyes. Maybe the "mentally challenged" thing has to do anything with the character she is playing here? Both her father (who also has slurred speech) and mother, both characters are sort of nutcases in this film.


I wonder how the director could let her be so poker face during the entire movie.

Funny thing, tim - I was just wondering that too.


Well part of the storyline of "Deep Impact" was that Jenny could really never open up emotionally until the very very end.

I thought she was similarly stiff and wooden in "The Family Man" although I liked the movie OK otherwise.

She was pretty good in "Tower Heist" -- showed a pretty good sense of humor in a few scenes.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


It was silly that they made her the main news anchor for the story of the millenium. There is no way in hell that CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, etc. would allow someone that brand new with so little gravitas or experience to be the face of the network. They'd CGI an image of Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite or David Brinkley and project it onto the screen before they allowed that to happen.


Thank you! Nice to know I'm not the only one who thought she was awful, lol!!


I find her voice extremely annoying. How she got picked to be in Bad Boys in still a mystery to me?? She ruined any scene she was in.

Sheldon:"Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."


I just watched it again last night for the first time in maybe 6-7 years......... lord she droned on and on........ just terrible.

No way in the world, even after breaking the story would she be kept on the air. people would turn off after 5 minutes of her voice.


I was wondering how she got the role, too.

She was attractive, but she had a long face too.

I don't recall her smiling once. Not even before the meteorite news broke.

No wonder she never made it big in movies. This was her chance to shine but she didn't.


Yeah she was very poor in this, I recently watched Jurassic Park 3 and she was equally bad in that.


It always amazes me how people can watch the same movie and see the same people and have such varied opinions. The opinions on Ms. Leoni are certainly varied. I've stated my take but love hearing the other side. Good stuff.

And yes, flaccid. It's kind of an uncomfortable word also. Which is cool


I'm gonna flip the script on you all and suggest that perhaps Leoni was purposely cast BECAUSE she's a mediocre actor and not despite it. Think about it. The character Jenny Lerner is a struggling, inexperience, mediocre reporter, working a tabloid story about a cheating congressman because she could't get the big stories BECAUSE she had the looks, but not the chops to be a great reporter at the network level. She has daddy issues on top of not being very good at her job. She does however redeem herself when the *beep* hits the fan because she gave up her seat to the superior who had previously blew her off and made up with Daddy moments before that giant wave hit the beach. Ole Téa, she did alright.


I was distracted also by her voice, the slurred speech and mumbling -- something you would NOT expect to hear from anyone on the news -- or would you? Hello, Tom Brokaw.

Her acting is not entirely terrible, just too subtle and nuanced for many of the scences. The part at the beach near the end is quite good, although her mumbling is really pronounced: "I 'member that day. I 'member everything."


That made me burst out laughing. "I 'member that day."
But I was going to comment the same thing about the scene with her dad at the beach. She was terrible for most of the movie but she was really good there.

She melts in your mouth, she melts in your hands.


I got no beef with her. She seems fine to me, both in acting and in looks. I see what others see, I just don't think of it like [apparently] they do.

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-:¦:-Oooh, sparkly!
