MovieChat Forums > Chicken Run (2000) Discussion > Film References in chicken run...

Film References in chicken run...

I've been thinking over the many references "chicken run" has, and aside from the star wars references ("look at the size of that thing", etc), the indiana jones references (rolling gears chasing the two chickens in the pie machine, etc), star trek references (I need more power, etc), and the references to the WW1/WW2 prisoner camp escape movies, there are some other I most likely missed. Feel free to post your observations and interpretations.


There's the part where Ginger grabs her hat out from under a closing door (in the pie machine I think). That's a direct reference to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and has been referenced many, many times.



You're missing a obvious and funny one; that being the Steve McQueen/mortocycle jump from the Great Escape when Rocky flies back into the camp on his tricycle.

Read an interview with Park just at the release of the W & G film where he says when people tell him about all of the references they spot in his work, he shuts up and says nothing because people doing so make him seem brighter than he really is. Cute.



How about the Tunnel at the begining. It's designed the same way the tunell in the Great Escape was and they even signal each other to pull the trolly the same way, with a tool they used to dig the tunell.


The subtlest one...

Fetcher: Little moments like this, mate. It's what makes the job all worthwhile. Wanna dance?
[Nick stares at Fetcher for a long moment]
Nick: Yeah, all right.

This is from Monty Python's Flying Circus:

Man (Michael Palin): Officer?
Policeman (John Cleese): Yes?
Man: I'm terribly sorry, but I was sitting on that bench over there, and dozed off for a while, and when I woke up I found my wallet gone and 500 pounds to be stolen.
Policeman: Well, uh, did you see anyone around, anyone at all...?
Man: No, none at all, that's the trouble.
Policeman: Well, I'm afraid there's not much we can do about that, sir.
[long pause, because Palin has forgotten his line. So he ad libs...]
Man: You wanna go home to my place?
[another pause]
Policeman: Yeah, all right.
[they go]


ALSO .... when Ginger keeps escaping in the beginning it reminded me of a little-known Movie 'TheSecretWarOfHarryFrigg' starring Paul Newman. If I remember correctly, it followed CoolHandLuke, and Newman kept escaping from the Army barracks, but they would always catch him again. Hey - anybody notice the similarities between Mrs.Tweety hanging onto the lights and the ending of 'DieHard'??


Very nice list, michael!


Even though it was made AFTER this movie, Flight of the Pheonix

McCoy: It's like Jonestown without the Kool-Aid



Flight of the Pheonix after Chicken Run was a remake of a movie of the same name made in the fifties or sixties, as someone before mentioned.


Tons of Great Escape references... A good chunk of the music is from the great escape, there's the tunnel with the wood sticks propping it up, Ginger bouncing the wall like Steve McQueen and chalking off the days she has left in the "cooler." Also, Steve McQueen's sidekick is Scottish, just like Mac (Ginger's, for lack of better word, sidekick.) The 17 on the hut is obviously a reference to Stalag 17, although the main hut in that movie is actually 4.


how about mel gibson as the rooster yelling "freeeedom" like in braveheart


I see a bit of the Road Warrior here. Rocky comes from outside the wire and helps the people trapped get out.
