What did he mean "weed is for n***ers?"
White people toke just as much, if not, more. Where the hell did he get that from?
shareWhite people toke just as much, if not, more. Where the hell did he get that from?
Of course they do; it's stereotyping on Derek's part. He thinks anything considered a scourge on society is the domain of blacks. He probably believes that unemployment and welfare are for black folks as well.
Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!
Look at the actual history of cannabis.
In 1930, a man named Harry J. Anslinger became commissioner of the newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics. He crusaded for harder laws against cannabis by using a racist agenda and lies. Here are actual quotes:
"Marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others."
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
"The primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."
"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."
So that is the information the US government was feeding its citizens. But that's not how things always were.
In fact, George Washington was known to grow cannabis. There were even times of war in which farmers were REQUIRED to grow cannabis under law. It was often used as a medicine and also to create products such as rope. The earliest rope used by humans was made from cannabis. It is known to have over 50,000 commercial uses.
The real reason it is outlawed is because it is a threat to big oil and pharma. It can do everything they can do only better, cheaper, cleaner, easier. The racist agenda against cannabis was nerely a guise to protect the interests of the rich and powerful.
So basically by prohibiting marijuana, the FBI was actually protecting black people from insanity, criminality and early death.
shareBeing near Detroit i know alot of white girls who bang black guys and post facebook stories of themselves smoking blunts and listening to rap music so maybe the 1930's were more enlightened on marijuana than you Millienial Tards who think you know everything.
shareSkin heads are typically known to be straight edged for some reason so that's why I guess.
shareI think it was just your basic racist idea that a skinhead would believe.
shareIt was just a casual, throwaway line with no meaning in the movie. Don’t look so much into it