Silly Americans...

Heh, "Oh my God, it's an American spaceship!"

No, it's an spaceship crewed by people speaking ENGLISH. It might be a BRITTISH spaceship or French or international or whatever. They just chose english coz it's kind of universal. I don't suppose the elivator up to the control room had a label on it? Because if it said "lift" we'd know it was Brittish. XD

Also, there's NO WAY we'll have that kind of technology in 50 years. It must've been like the 23:rd century.


In 2043/2143/2243 etc, they hadn't fixed the millennium bug by adding two digits to the year? This dates the film terribly and is just stupid.

It's probably meant to be from 2043. I, not the great Criswell, predict that by the year 2143 there'll be no nations, no borders, just one people and one earth, and we will all speak english with each other. It's inevitable I say unless a large meteor or asteroid hits us first.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." - Roy Batty, Blade Runner

