"1. They risk the entire fate of the world based on a guy who can run fast and pull tables."
Yeh, but he ran down a cellaphoid on foot...Besides there is always an alien battle cruiser threatening earth, the only thing that matters is that people don't know about it.
"2. The uber-cheesy scene where K is watching his wife from a satellite somehow in slow motion and at the exact moment she looks up into space."
How else are we supposed to see her face?
"3. Will Smith and his stupid one liners."
Actually they were good..."it just be raining black people"..That was not even scripted, but the director liked it so much, he kept it in.
"4. K getting eaten by an alien cockroach and surviving without a scratch."
He was swallowed, not chewed...Plus, K was a walking encylopedia on aliens. He knew he could get swallowed and survive.