To get what QT was going for here -- and he DID get it -- I'd recommend a watch of the Howard Hawks/John Wayne 1959 Western " Rio Bravo."
QT(and others) love that Western because in many ways it is NOT a Western. Rio Bravo has been called a "hang out movie" because it has quite a long running time(over 2 hours) and a lot of the scenes feature the stars (Wayne, Dean Martin, Walter Brennan, Ricky Nelson -- a guy for every age bracket) just "hanging out" -- joking with each other, SINGING with each other, looking out for each other, and the aimless talk becomes the point of the story.
QT also pointed out that a movie like "Rio Bravo" may have enjoyed initial success for a few weeks at movie theaters in 1959 -- but it is now immortal via DECADES of being available on broadcast TV, cable TV, VHS and DVD and streaming. You can always "hang out" with Rio Bravo.
And can always "hang out" with Jackie Brown. Its initial 1997 run was a little disappointing after the flash of Pulp Fiction, but over the years, we've all had a chance to get into the slower laid-back rhythm of Jackie Brown and its wonderful look at "middle aged love" and middle-aged antagonists. (All the main characters less Bridget Fonda are middle aged.)
Jackie Brown stands out from all the other QT films likely because it had the "base" of an Elmore Leonard novel, but QT added his input by making Jackie black and moving the whole story from Florida to his hometown of Los Angeles(by the ocean but near middle class and black neighborhoods, too.) The LA setting connected it to Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction(they form a trilogy before Kill Bill shows up 6 six years after Jackie Brown), but it is its own middle-aged, Blaxploitation-nostalgia thing.
And Robert Forster is, wonderfully, the true star of the thing, all due respect to Ms. Grier, who is also great.