Good movie?

This was a good movie in my opinion,I give it 8 out of 10?How much would you give it out of 10?


i liked it too. i didn't expect much before seeing it but i was pleasantly surprised. it was still quite funny and made me feel like a kid :P

but what i really goddamn hated was Home Alone 4


I give it a 1/10, just awful imo. (The first two were good though).

Introduce her to your world of sex, drugs, and...what else do you do? - Cruel Intentions 1999


Its not on the same level as the first two Home Alone films, but the 3rd film was a decent movie. I enjoyed the 3rd film quite a bit, and I'd give it a 7/10. It was different than the first two films in terms of characters and villains, and It was a good idea on switching to a new family, because had they just rehashed or even recast the family from the first two films and used them yet again, it would have been just weird.

As for Home Alone 4......that film was just a blatant disgrace to the Home Alone franchise, and its shouldn't have been made.


In my book, the best of the series. Definitely better than HA 1 and HA 2, especially in plot development. Even the kid seemed smarter than Culkin. The (pretty) female villain was also a great touch.

As for HA 4, well, I think all has already been said.


I gave it 6; equal to Home Alone 2.

"I've been turned down more times than the beds at the Holiday Inn; I still try"


Its all right not the worse movie I have seen.

I would give it a 5.5 to a 6
But the other two HA1 would get a 9 and HA2 an 8

MY Forum < >

