MovieChat Forums > Good Will Hunting (1998) Discussion > Which guy would try to impress girl by h...

Which guy would try to impress girl by having a history showdown?

Not even the biggest nerd would do that.



You obviously don't go to Harvard bars.



Forget Harvard bars, the OP obviously hasn't stepped foot outside of his house. I'll grant him/her a free newsflash: women prefer smart men. If someone as good looking as Will were to outsmart a pretentious prick such as the one in the movie in front of all those people, I would instantly be turned on.

I mean intelligence, all on its own, is incredibly hot... and therefore intelligence when used as a weapon is downright sexy.

Also, in this context, you mean to rephrase the question as "WHAT* guy would try to impress a girl by having a history showdown?" Not "which".

Ask me again with your eyes & I'll answer with my fingers, trailing reasons down your spine.


The intelligence did help quite a bit, but that is what enabled the real sexy turn-on which is confidence. And in that scene, Will mopped up that Bolton clone with his Custodial Mop of Confidence.

Confidence is also why the ladies were giving Chuckie the time of day in that bar because he approached them with confidence as well.

The Bolton clone approached the situation as an intellectual bully- a sure sign of insecurity in other areas.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


To be fair Chuckie was laying claim to status that he did not rightfully have. While I am sure the Harvard history guy was doing it to impress the ladies, Chuckie did deserve to be taken down a peg.




Wow you seem cool. Homophobia and sexism in one paragraph. Cool guy!


Ever been in a college bar or even a dorm? That stuff happens ALL the time, maybe not amongst the jocks who are ONLY there on football scholarships, but in a crowd of well-educated students, a girl would be (I was) impressed by someone as hot as Matt Damon throwing down over history with a "Michael Bolton clonen" from some WASP, upper-class background who thinks he's the *beep*

It's not nerdiness; it's intelligence and it's sexy.

She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.


Lol... OP, have you ever attended university and been to a university bar or stayed at a college?

These things occur quite often. There are groups of students that bounce these kinds of conversations off each other all the time.


It wasn't a point of showing off how much history he knew. It was the point of making Chuckie look stupid in front of the women.


Oh yeah they do. Back in my glory days we used to go to bars where kids from PENN, Drexel, Textile (now Philadelphia University) and other schools would come "slumming it".

They'd pull the same nonsense at bars.

Most of the time they left on their faces. Some of us would just laugh them off.

Up on the Main Line it got pretty snobby. I doubt it's as bad as Harvard, but it was pretty bad.


i've heard sports trivia showdowns really impresses the ladies.

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


I think the way that it was done is not believable.


agree. there could have been a scene to show the pretentious college dudes (esp. from boston) who get off on saying foreign authors with a foreign tone when every other word in their sentence isn't in that tone. as in someone is speaking about nietzsche, and they say, in his case, these boston dudes, 'i gotta book in caaaar about...(then suddenly) 'necha'. if you're in germany they would never, say, if you're talking about norman mailer, suddenly say his name like they are from the bronx for that name: 'iccch habe in'meinemmm auto...(then suddenly) norrrrman maaaayleer.'

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


As it is, Clark just sounds like his reading his essay in a bar...
