Almost a comedy.

This movie is hilarious on so many levels it is a wonder to me...

Every time I watch it, I can't help but think it was meant to be taken with a much lighter heart than the audience saw it as.

Likely due to the ham fisted and annoying marriage sub plot- which is never engaging and barely fits the tone of the rest of the movie.

There are moments in watching it, where I can not help but feel like I am watching a mob epi of Seinfeld.

Kill Them, Kill Them All!

Flames or thoughts welcome.


Morons will laugh at anything.


Got the wrong flick mister!!!!


If you dislike (or misunderstand) it so much, why do you say 'every time I see it'?

Do you make it a habit to regularly watch films you feel miss the mark so badly?


Never defend crap with "It's just a movie"


definitely not a comedy but there are plenty of funny parts. Lefty is hilarious just his attitude and the way he talks is classic "donnie you wanna kill me with that draft".


Agree, lots of humor. Jilly: "Look, Left, I said I knew him. I didn't say I f@cked him."

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


If you can not see how funny this movie is I feel sorry for you.

I have watched it countless times, and it always has a lot of fun to it.

I am not dismissing it in any way, I find so much of the hatred here to be very amusing. But if you can't see line after line as having a conscious element of playfulness, I feel sorry that you are so dogmatic to the overdone genre- and Al the saint.

Find some joy in life. It is there to find in anything, especially when there is so much dialog which was definitly fun to hear- finding more than mob talk and tough antics of the elderly.

Kill Them, Kill Them All!

Flames or thoughts welcome.


"Likely due to the ham fisted and annoying marriage sub plot- which is never engaging and barely fits the tone of the rest of the movie. "

==What do you mean by ham fisted?

As for the marriage, I'm guessing the real agent was married and those parts were more or less real. Why should the movie avoid the private life of the Donnie Brasco agent?


Morons will laugh at anything.

Huh? I guess some people like calling people morons who are disagree with them to feel big.

It's hilarious. And it's far from being considered a comedy. Scarface is funny, so is Carlito's Way: Rise to Power. Not to mention the Sopranos. This is funny the same way those movies are. Certain parts are funny, and most of those guys were pretty silly, yet serious when they needed to be. It's not like the OP said the part in the Japanese restaurant was funny.

Here's a funny line
Lefty: Donny, ask him why this place is suck a effin dumb.
It's funny because the guy can hear him, and Donny still asks him.

Or this
Sonny: What? You thought I was gonna whack ya?

Or even when Sonny gets mad at Lefty and everyone else at his social club for not earning especially Nicky for making fun of Lefty's effort.

It's funny, but it's not "Mafia" with Jay Mohr. It's Sopranos funny, everyone is quick-witted.

People shouldn't become internet tough-guys because some disagrees with you. Voice your opinion, it's your constitutional right, but why be a jerk. If we were sitting in the same room, you probably wouldn't be so smug with the OP. Just because he thinks it's Almost a comedy. I think you're almost a cyberbully.

Embrace Debate.


you are correct. it straddles the edge. holarious, and also thebest gangsta movie ever made.


[Lefty is cooking dinner]
Lefty: Punch of salt.
Donnie Brasco: Punch?
Lefty: Punch. Punch of salt.
Donnie Brasco: Punch or pinch?
Lefty: Punch, punch. Not pinch. What'd I say? I say pinch?
Donnie Brasco: Nah, you said... you said punch.
Lefty: Sometimes you don't make no f#cking sense, Donnie.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


Nicky: [playing Gin] Look at this hand. This ain't a hand. This is a f0ckin deformed Creature from the Black f0ckin Lagoon's claw I got here.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


This move DID have a lot of comedy in it, and it was on purpose too. Especially the Donny with Lefty parts.


I can see why people see this as a comedy. They are known as heroes.


I can see why people see this as a comedy. They are known as heroes.


Wiseguys are inherently funny. Even when they're shooting you right in your stupid mook face.
