Actually if you go back before the Luciano Era, the rule of having to report in when called probably pre-existed him in some form. How could a soldier in the old Mafia not come in when called by a Mustache?
Also, it wasn't Italians only. It was Sicilians only.
Big difference.
Sicilians made up the core of the original old Mafia.
For example, up until the reign of John Gotti, Neopolitans were not even allowed to be made Capos in the Gambino Family.
Carlo was Sicilian.
When Gotti was Boss, a Sicilian Capo named Antonino (Nino) Gaggi commanded him to appear before him at a meeting. Obviously Nino being a cousin of Paul Castellano (another Sicilian) did not approve of the Neapolitan Gotti taking over the Sicilian Gambino Family without Commission approval. Nino died in prison and was never able to fulfill his desire to take over the Gambino Family from Gotti as he (Nino) represented the old Sicilian establishment.
After Luciano, all Italians were recognized by Sicilians as eligible to become mafia members. Luciano's predecessors did not trust, nor want to associate with, Non Sicilians.