MovieChat Forums > Dante's Peak (1997) Discussion > My 13 year old daughter was traumatized ...

My 13 year old daughter was traumatized by this movie today

She just got home from school and is still upset. Said that she started crying during the movie, couldn't stop shaking for the rest of the day. They sent her to the school psychologist who told her that a Volcano is like a Tornado. Uh, I don't get that, PLUS we are under a Tornado Watch today so now my daughter is even more freaked out.

Okay, so if you saw it (I haven't) are you surprised that a 13 year old would be traumatized by it?

Thanks for any insight.


I saw this movie when I was 11 and loved it! Im sure a lot of other children thought it was scary but I really liked movies like Dante's Peak and Twister. I saw another post saying to sit your daughter down and do research on volcanoes and remind her DP is just a movie and natural disasters can really happen, this WAS a movie and that usually volcanoes dont just erupt people know when they are going to for the most part.



I saw this movie when I was like 8, and I loved it, it was like my favourite movie, I watched it all the time. Lol. But I'm not that surprised that your daughter got pretty scared by it. You must live where alot of these natural disasters actually happen. I live in Australia and we have nothing like that, no volcanoes, no tornados. We have had some bad earthquakes, but very rarely. Our most common natural disaster would be bush fires.

I'd probably be alot more freaked out by it if I lived in countries with active volcanoes and tornado warnings. And also, everyones different. Maybe your daughter hasn't seen many disasterous or horror type films, so she gets scared alot more easily.


Maybe it's not the actual movie thats scary, but the thoughts that are generated from it. Like you see the movie, enjoy it, that's that, and then you're doing whatever later and you think, "That could really happen... " And it just spirals from there.

- "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living."
-Gail Sheehy


im sorry but she may be immature or something but it was not scary AT ALL!!! I'm 14 i just watched it in my geography class and theres nothing too it. She could be grossed out because there is a few gory scenes but not scary at all really.


every child aroudn that age will have an issue with something or other. when i was that age i had a really bad fear of tornados, so much so that just rain would freak me out. i saw this movie in grade 9 geography, and we all thought it was so stupid that we jsut spent the whole movie making fun of the garbage acting, and how unrealistic the scenes depicted actually are. i have no clue why they would even bother showing this movie, they usually show it to "show signs that a volcano is going to erupt and what happens afterwards" (yes i am looking through my grade 9 geography notebook) and it's just stupid, particuallary during hte ending of the movie how unrealistic it is. volcanic eruptions of that size simply DO NOT happen without someone knowing about it ahead of time. the director has no basis of reality in this movie. the bottom line is it is FICTION. just tell your daughter that. and liek another user already mentioned research what really happens during an eruption. i find research about something your afraid of will usually get rid of that fear


Hey, cami, why don't you let your daughter watch se7en instead?


that's funny i'm only 13 and i thought the movie was amazing. Mabe i didn't find it freaky because Pierce Bronson is my fav actor, i don't know


i watched it when i was 6 and i thought it was a really kool movie, i really like it. i saw it for 50 times i think



My old psychology teacher said that around this age, girls become much more environmentally aware, ( I remember myself that all the girls I knew were joining various charities at that time) makes sense considering one is leaving protected childhood behind and thinking in terms of the world around them. Occasionally some concepts will upset them. If she is really sensitive to this kind of thing, encourage her to learn more about the topic, because a sense of knowledge sometimes gives a sense of control. Nothing worse than being afraid of the unknown.


My old psychology teacher said that around this age, girls become much more environmentally aware, ( I remember myself that all the girls I knew were joining various charities at that time)

You mean they start virtue-signalling?




I have to admit this movie was scary!!!



I was four and a half when i first saw it, and i was sobbing in my father's arms for most of the movie. I haven't seen it since then, but I can definitely see how she would be traumatized... I was terrified.


Well, I just have to add my thoughts on this subject. I saw this movie when I was about 10. It freaked the crap out of me, partially because of the volcano/imminent death thing, and partially because I live not far from Wallace, ID, so I saw I town that I knew, where I had BEEN, be destroyed. It's kinda freaky.


Yes avtually I am. I am 14 years old, and I am actually watching this in My science class. This movie is not new to me at all. My mom and I love those natural disaster movies, like Tornado, Dante's Peak, Day After Tomoorow, ect.

Now I have been watching this movie since I was 5 years old. I mean yeah, it has some pretty starterling parts. But none the less Dante's Peak is not a real Volcanoe, but the events that happen in the movie are as real as anything. In the begining of the movie Pierce Brosnan (spelling?) is studying a volcaneo that erupts in Columbia. This is an actual real event that happened in 1992.

What you need to tell your daughter is that Volconoes are an amzing force that we should respect, but at the same time stand at awe with their power and beauty. Volconoes happen mostly around Fault Lines. In the movie they say that they are in the Cascade Mountain Range. This is only miles from the Pacific/North American Tectonic plates.
Depending on where you live, you shoukd't worry. Now their are stange Volanoes that ten to suddenly pop up for no reason. Like Hawaii, but this seldom happens. And where you live it might not.

Now, the Volcanoe in the movie was a sheild cone, or Stratavolcanoe. This means that it has that classical cone shape. But these volcanoes have really thick lava, so you almost never see lava come from a Stratavolcanoe. But, these volcanoes can have very violant eruptions. They shoot gas and ash 15 miles into the air. They also have Pyroclastic Flow, which is a cload of gas and red hot ash spewing down the mountain side at sometimes 60-100 miles an hour, flattening and burning anything in it's path. These can be the most devastating.
The Volcanoes in Hawaii for example are known as sheild cones. They have very oily and runny lava. These don't have as voilant as eruptions. They can be pretty damaging but most people have a better chance of getting away. But there is no way to stop the lava. Even if you cooled it with water, it would keep coming.

I can't tell you that she should't worry. Volcanoes are a fact of life, and the fact is people do die in catastrophes such as this, where there is no way people can be warned. Tornados, you have a chance, if you can see it in the cloads and on the ground you know to leave. Volcanoes can be sudden and lethal. There are very little ways you can tell a Volcanoe will erupt. So when it erupts, it erupts. Just run as fast as you can. Me, I would't run, I would see no point in it. If it was the violant ones I told you about where it shoots ash 15 miles into the air, I would't run. There would be no where to run. But thats me, I would suggest that you would run.

Okay, i hope I didn't scare you too bad. I am sorry for the mispellings. I am uasually a lot more neat, but I have some where to go. Goodbye.


we watched half of it in class today. granted some scenes are freaky, and that stuff happens. but thats life. im from the phil. and my class started clapping when pinatubo was mentioned...anyway i didnt enjoy it that much since we had to take notes while watching.


Your daughter sounds kinda wussy ;) haha i'm just kidding she might be a person who gets freaked by natural disasters while some people don't. I don't get scared by the movies...but in real life I would be!


your daughter is fu cked up... no offense

she's 13 years old, she should know its just a movie, and not even bad at that. I saw Friday the 13th and horror movies that were much scarier when i was like 6 years old, she should be able to handle this.

Americans are so weak minded, i noticed that ever since we moved here. Im from Eastern Europe, and you people raise kids to be such pussies here, honestly.


I dont know where to begin telling you what's wrong with that comment. Didnt eastern europe allow over 6 million jews to be killed cuz everyone was too big of a pussy to do anything? (until America came to fight for you).. anyway, enough about how rediculously wrong you are.

I saw this movie when i was about 8 (when it first came out). I was scared to death! i had no idea so many people felt the same way. I was scared, and i live up in Canada, not a volcano for 3000 miles. I cant immagine how traumatizing it could have been for someone who lives near one. There should be a support group for people who watched this movie (joke).
I look back at the movie now and realize it's just good fun, but it wasn't when I was a kid.
Try explaining to your daughter some facts about Volcano's, like, how nothing in that movie could ever happen in reality. They can detect volcanic eruptions (in some cases) months in advance. I also highly doubt there would be a scenario where a town with an active volcano would have a only a one way bridge out of town.
And for the love of god, don't let her watch Volcano. heh.


You're an idiot. Yeah, those 30 MILLION+ Eastern Europeans that died fighting Nazis sure were too pussy to do anything, they must of died of starvation *rolls eyes*

America didn't even get involved until the 2nd half of the war when Nazi's were already weak and took Millions of casualites from us and the rest of the allies. If it wasn't for Pearl Harbor America never would of got involved, read a history book you moron


If you were refering to the Soviets, they were every bit as viscious as the Nazis. The killed in the tens of millions and didnt withdraw from E Europe until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
