Stallone's weight

I remember Stallone got a lot of credit at the time for making his body look doughy, even fat. Honestly, I don't see it. He actually looked younger because his face was more filled out, but otherwise, he looks like a normal guy - certainly not fat. The guy walks around at a buck fifty anyway, so maybe he got up to 160 for this part. Hardly notable.


Normally he's claims to weigh around 170-180. I remember an interview years ago where he said he put on over 30lbs for this


Stallone with 30 lbs extra fat is still ripped compared to the average guy.

They did a good job making him look softer and more vulnerable.


Agreed, it wasn't as noticeable as they were promoting it to be.


I don't agree, it was def abit shocking to see him overweight., esp at the start playing the Lethal Weapon pinball. Later in the film he looked like he was carrying about 3 stone extra bulk on his musclebound body looking more like an older Rocky of the first film (where he wasn't the vein popping 0% body fat of the sequels and in all the Rambos, Cliffhanger, Dredd etc)


I agree he looked horrible in this movie slow lethargic and out of shape but played the role perfect


It was definitely noticeable. He wasn't obese like DeNiro in Raging Bull, but he looked like someone who had let himself go a little bit.
