"Tears of an Inflatable Clown." Not necessarily my least favorite, but I've been thinking about what bugs me about it.
I actually like how Hank tries to teach Bobby management skills, and that Bobby takes it to heart. They should have concentrated on that. But the whole business with the diversity counselor seems forced and over-familiar. There's no particular reason for this one-off character to have shown up.
It's also unlikely that Bobby could have organized a full-scale professional carnival, and that the kids could have run it. Besides trained operators, you'd need insurance, permits, etc. Those points should at least have been addressed comedically. It's equally unlikely that Hank and his friends could have stepped in at a moment's notice and run all the rides and attractions. Couldn't the same lessons have been learned through organizing a more typical school-run carnival?
On the other hand, I could see Bobby, inspired by Hank's lessons, going out and hiring a professional carnival troupe, even wading through all the required bureaucracy. Maybe Lucky would provide his connection to the carny world, opening up a new set of conflicts as Bobby starts taking his advice over Hank's.