MovieChat Forums > Dharma & Greg (1997) Discussion > Quick Relief: No Sane Guy Can Stand Darm...

Quick Relief: No Sane Guy Can Stand Darma

I have to get that out of my chest:

The show was funny all right.
BUT Dharma doing all these ridiculous crazy stupid things and getting away with it was extremely annoying. Watching "Greg agrees with Dharma" after everything was even more annoying. And I am glad that it is over just for seeing that over.

There it is


A person after my own heart. Thanks for your comment!!! I watched the show because I liked it initially but I was always waiting for Breg to have his day and show Dharma and her family how stupid and silly their idea of life was, but that never happened. All that did happen was we saw Greg sink deeper and deeper into the silly fog created by Dharma and her parents, so much so that he lost sight of who he was and where he came from. I finally stopped watching because the storyline just got out of hand and stopped being funny. Dharma ruled and Greg had no say so about anything unless he agreed with Dharma.


"A person after my own heart. Thanks for your comment!!! I watched the show because I liked it initially but I was always waiting for Breg to have his day and show Dharma and her family how stupid and silly their idea of life was, but that never happened. All that did happen was we saw Greg sink deeper and deeper into the silly fog created by Dharma and her parents, so much so that he lost sight of who he was and where he came from. I finally stopped watching because the storyline just got out of hand and stopped being funny. Dharma ruled and Greg had no say so about anything unless he agreed with Dharma"

I thought's the way it always is with women in general. Bitches always try to rule men. Just watch poor Dr Phil. That poor b@stard deserves all the oney he gets for having to put up them every episode


"Bitches always try to rule men." I sometimes wonder why these pathetic men (many portrayed on TV) are so afraid to contradict their wives. It seems there is some natural power hierarchy in relationships. There are wives that are afraid of opposing their husbands, (and many husbands who abuse their wives.) And there are husbands who are dominated by their wives. It seems that many husbands are somehow aware that they are basically little boys who are motivated almost exclusively by selfish, childish desires, while their wives have grown up and accepted responsibility, especially as parents. And this puts the husbands on the defensive. Yet most women, not all, would prefer a man who stood up for himself and acted like a man. Instead they get these childish jerks that they have to boss around. And the average woman can run circles around a man when it comes to talking about the relationship...


Fine. So you hated it. Allow those of us less intelligent and refined than yourselves to enjoy our dumb little show.

"Think about it. If you were observing this planet,would you make contact?"



Sure Greg also 'agreed' from time to time. But at the 'agreeing' game, you have some miscalculation. Because Dharma won by far.

Yes, Dharma got 'a bit' saner. Still not sth a sane husband can put up with.

Yet, believe me after the age of 50 or 60, you want stability and peace at home, like Dharma's own mother (Her father doesn't count since he got Coo-Coo due to his earlier "freedom"sss). Nothing else matters. Plus, there is always Vegas etc. for freedom


Guess you didn't like I Love Lucy either.


I agree no one would deal with all that crazy new age hippy crap. Especially when she let her ex-boyfriend stay at their place. Or any of that crazy crap. A sane person would have thrown her out of a window. But it sounds like in real life Jenna Elfman is insane.So art imitates life.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


First of all, the whole point of the show was to entertain. If it doesn't entertain you, then don't watch it.

Have you seen the pilot episode? IF not there is a scene where they are eating pie in a restaurant and Dharma asks what's next & Greg tells her about the last several dates that he has had. At that moment, he realizes that his life needs a little bit of "crazy" or he will end up like his father which he doesn't want.

So, after all this over analyzing of a TV show from the 90's is done, what you are left with is this, maybe you wouldn't put up with that, but would Greg? I think that he would. Obviously he did at least for the run of the show.

Again, if you do not like the show, don't watch it. Besides, when has a sitcom been grounded in reality. If you want reality, turn off the TV & watch real life. Go to a park & watch real people have real emotions about real situations. Or, just watch TV & enjoy it, if you don't enjoy what you are watching, change the channel.


I think we all know where you are coming from but the show is supposed to be for entertainment purposes. I stopped watching, just as you suggested, because the show got to be too silly, too far out of the reach of reality, and Dharma was out of control, permitted by Greg nonetheless. Greg was turned from a solid, balanced, intelligent lawyer to a rambling, whipped goof ball yielding to every Dharma command. That did not entertain me so I stopped watching. I still check the board, as you can see, from time to time to keep up with some of the posts.

I would have liked to have seen Greg do something silly or stupid, or just do something, in response to the crazy things Dharma did and said, to teach her a lesson. For example when Dharma went to the woods to "find herself" Greg could encouraged her to go, stay as long as she liked and then could have announced that while she was in the woods he was going to Fiji for a short vacation to study the impact of bikinis on male sexuality, or some crazy thing. How would she have reacted to that? Everytime she came up with one of her crazy ideas he could come up with one just as crazy to teach her a lesson. You saw this approach used many, times in "I Love Lucy". That show was funny, it entertained, the silliness and stupid things always backfired on Lucy.


I liked the show but agree that sometimes Dharma was just too much. I really enjoyed the ep when Greg and Dharma agreed to live on their own income and Dharma grew to appreciate a lawyer's salary as opposed to her yoga teaching income.


Sure Dharma was a bit out there but she had a beautiful soul and supported Greg as long as he was happy (except the army thing). Give me a quirky girl like Dharma over a money hungry status seeking woman anyday.


"Dharma doing all these ridiculous crazy stupid things..." What she did was silly at times but never harmful. She did at some points realize that she had to be more in tune with the ordinary world. The world that Greg and his parents live in is the world of war in Vietnam, banks taking over the economy, building more prisons to hold all the drug users....a world which kills and destroys the environment and the soul. So I would take Dharma over Greg (as he started out) any day.


I feel the same way. She was over the top often and unreasonable with him.I didn't watch the show when it was on but caught it in syndication in recent years. Everyone is funny but she is the least funny for me. I find her tiresome and annoying. But I kind of compare it to Mad About You which I loved. But the end of that show I was sick of Helen Hunt. She constantly lied to her husband and had to have things her own way. I realize these scenes are written to be funny and many people enjoy them but they just annoy me. They bill Dharma as a free spirit and she's supposed to be so in tune with what's going on and so tolerant of different ideas and lifestyles, but Greg was the one who always had to compromise. Also her eyes really bother me and she's supposed to be a former ballet dancer and to me she's very gangly and clumsy. You can't see that there's any dance training there at all. On the other hand, the other character are all hilarious.
