Hard to watch right now

After seeing who Gellar endorses for President, I can't bring myself to watch this.


This is no place to have a political discussion. This is a place to discuss Buffy, not SMG's political views.


No, saving the world is the world's job. I don't give a f what shows you like, we need to shut American terrorism down.

Children in Syria are being murdered.


People, just let the thread die. No need to keep responding.



Who are you talking about?

What the hell does this have to do with the criminal government that moat of our society is too lazy or afraid to think about?





No, let the New World Order die.


Considering our choices for president are crap, I can't blame her for backing Trump. We are screwed no matter who wins.


People say that every election. It still hasn't happened. The U.S. is not going to fall apart in four years.

You are sin.


We are screwed no matter who wins.
Agreed. Dark times are ahead.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


There's no point in telling people that they are wrong or exaggerating when they are hellbent in holding or believing something.

The fact is that there's almost infinite facts, theories, opinions and information regarding pretty much every subject. People can check all that out for themselves and at the end of the day they are the ones who will choose what they like to believe.

Gellar, like any other person, has exercised her right to do just that and develop an opinion.

Personally, to me Clinton is just another typical politician. There's a degree of corruption and incompetence to her, which, unfortunately is very frequent in politicians.

Trump, however, is playing a kind of "populism" card. He is purposely outrageous and politically incorrect to strike a emotional cord on people so that they think more with their emotions and make it seem like he is not afraid to be outrageous and politically incorrect, and thus, make him appear to be more honest and not like the rest of the politicians. This, frankly, is all smoke and mirrors, just a strategy to win support and votes. Trump, at his core, is not really different from the politicians he seeks to difference himself from and, because he plays the "populism" and the outrageous card, which gives birth to more extreme reactions, he seems to be more dangerous than the average politician.

Anyone who thinks that the two candidates are vastly different is being naive, imo.

Personally, I would favor Clinton simply because she appears to be more predicable and would follow, more or less, what has been done lately (which honestly seems to be better than the Bush years), and because, at least, unlike Trump, she doesn't deny global warming.


To go with what you said, Clinton is a politician. She's a career politician. No doubt she wants to leave behind some type of favorable legacy.

Trump, on the other hand, is a business man. Right now, politics is just a whim to him. Something to do in his off time. If he sucks at it, he's not gonna care. He'll just go back to his business life.

That's what makes him the worse candidate. At least Clinton is taking it seriously since it is her career.

Trump is treating politics the way I treat a game of Call of Duty. I don't really know what I'm doing and just fire randomly. Teammates and logical strategy be damned. It doesn't bother me. But it's fun.

You are sin.


Except that she's a total psychopath who is in it for the money. Let's not forget the recent assassination attempts on Assange's and Putin's lives. Instead of taking accountability of her corruption, she- and the people she's protecting- would rather shift blame and antagonize the Russians. She would rather START WW3 than to own up to HER mistakes. This person is an absolute abomination. It is gross criminal negligence to reinforce and support this regime.

It bodes for absolutely zero humanity. When we gravitate to the point of laziness where terrorism is "corruption as usual" you gotta ask yourself at what degree are you part of the problem.

Trump is a long time friend of hers, and he's also trying to protect the Federal Reserve. These people are simply two sides of the same coin; they protect money in politics and corporatism.

No lesser evil. Our world can't afford it anymore. Take them ALL down.



I don't know who you're talking about, but it doesn't matter.

As an American citizen, I am doing everything within my power to spread the world and to stop this because innocent children are being murdered for a money run.

I would not be able to live with myself if I were to "fall in line."



People like you, the complete indifference to human life and the accountability of people who support and bilaterally ignore the realities of big $$ in politics (the role it plays in the endless war machine) is what is wrong with the world. Sarah is a greedy pig.

Enjoy living with your head in the sand. Change is coming.



You have a 3rd option you know? and that is not to vote.

For the record I'd say that Clinton's worse then Trump but it doesn't change the fact that both of them suck.


In life, we don't have perfect or ideal choices. We ALWAYS have imperfect choices. We NEVER have perfect choices. Why do people think that voting for a president is any different? It isn't. Just like everything else we choose what seems to be the best option and that's it.

Refusing to choose, refusing to vote, is like throwing a tantrum and refusing to eat because what we have available is not a perfect and ideal meal. Sure, we can do that but what will it accomplish? What will stand for? What it will accomplish is not having a say over the vote results and it will only stand for our inability to choose something that isn't ideal due to not having a better option, which is basicaly the same as standing for our inability to live since choosing something like that is what we have to do everyday.


No, see, I REFUSE to choose a terrorist as our leader. That's correct.

I will not endorse either of our front runners because they both want to continue ongoing war for profits. The day our country accepts the murder of countless innocence is the day our country loses its soul.

I refuse to be complicit in a holocaust.


When you vote in the best option, you are trying to move the country towards the best direction. When you don't vote at all, you aren't doing anything. Those are the facts.


So vote for Jill Stein. She's on 45 state ballots and a write-in for another three.

Stay as far away from the fire as possible.

Clinton sold weapons to terrorists, and Trump is protecting George Soros.

Those are the facts.



Trump is an absolute abomination, I agree with you on that. However, in no way is Hillary any better. Both she and Trump represent the 1% elitism that is protecting the Federal Reserve- the same cabal that has shotgunned several false flag wars.

Keep in mind how long Clinton and Trump had been associated as well as the closeness between Clinton and the Bush family. These people should not be fooling anyone. This is one big joke.

As a fellow brother and inheritor of this Earth, I beg you; do not let these people murder more innocent people in Syria or Libya.

Step outside of the matrix and see this eternal war-state for the fraud that it is. Do not just be another cog in the wheel.

Look into Jill Stein. Her platform annihilates both Trump's and Hilary's on all levels.


i couldn't care less what political candidate an actor or musician is endorsing.

What are words for when no one listens anymore



To not enjoy art because you take issue with what the author/actor/actress/singer/musician, etc, sides with politically is simply stupid.

Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper.....
