Cringe worthy!

I finally sat down and watched this movie. But that one scene was so brutal! I could barely sit through the scene where he kept calling that girls phone and leaving her voicemails. It was so embarrassing I almost had to skip through it. I know it is just a movie but it made me so uncomfortable. Ugh!


strange, i thought that scene was more funny than anything else

so many movies, so little time


it was great


Yeah considering it's obviously intended to be cringe worthy I'd say it served it's purpose


and Jon Favreau... man he crushes the part. LOL


Yes the second-hand embarrassment I feel every time I watch that scene is pretty intense. I know it’s scripted but it’s written and acted so well that it really hits hard

Swingers is great all the way through


I liked it where he goes from introduction, to dating to breaking up with her all in a couple of minutes on her answering machine!

And I had a similar experience!


typical shit 90s movie swapping clever comedys for embarassing laugh that just make viewer uncomfort and not feel good.
