Plot hole???

Primal Fear has always been one of my favourite films, but there is always one thing that bothers me:

If Edward Norton's character was, in fact, this strong-willed person (Roy) all along, and Aaron was the fabrication, why would Roy ever subject himself to those acts pushed upon him, Linda and Alex by Archbishop Rushman?

What are people's opinions?


who tells you that it was an act of abuse??, what I have always thought it's that he planned it all, he would do the tape in order to have an alibi against Rushman, Aaron or Roy, knew that Rushman was a pervert and wanted to punish him or kill him in this case and his defence would be that tape, that's why he did it in the first place.


I doubt he planned to take the abuse as an alibi. Aaron was basically homeless so he did what he thought he had to. Obviously he was also a sociopath so he would no doubt kill Rushman when he felt the time was right which he did. Aaron's "plan" didn't come into play UNTIL he was about to get caught IMO. He may of thought about it but I truly believe his plan kinda came together when the police were about to get him


That's not a plot hole, that's a detail you find unbelievable.


My opinion was that Stampler was never a victim but a willing participant in the sex tape. It makes his motive for killing the archbishop weaker but its the only way to explain why Aaron never existed.


I'd say that Aaron snapped after all of the abuse and that's why he killed the archbishop. When he as Roy says there was never any Aaron he's lying because he's trying to make himself look stronger. It's not that he had multiple personalities and couldn't remember, he simply snapped.

Don't play leapfrog with a Unicorn.


Did you guys even see the ending? He said there is no Aaron. So he was Roy this whole time even when Bishop picked him up and took him in. He was faking to be Aaron. Roy is the one that killed Bishop. Can't believe you guys missed that. There was never an Aaron at all, just a Roy. I think that is great acting to me. Oh well, guess people just can't pick up everything. He did the acting of Aaron to make him seem like he had MPD. He really did not have it. It was all a joke. He got away with murder and that is why he clapped at the end and confessed. Not as hard as everyone is making it out to be.

No more IMDB boards for me!


For GOD'S sake learn what Plot Hole means or I will kick your ass.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.
