MovieChat Forums > Executive Decision (1996) Discussion > John Leguizamos says Seagal is a “horrib...

John Leguizamos says Seagal is a “horrible human”

John Leguizamo has reignited what seems like a decade-long feud with his former costar, Steven Seagal.

While promoting his new film "The Menu," Leguizamo told Entertainment Weekly's Clark Collis in an interview published Saturday that he based his character in the film on Seagal. The pair initially met almost three decades ago on the set of "Executive Decision," a 1996 action movie that saw Leguizamo, 62, play a sergeant and Seagal, 70, play a colonel, according to IMDB.

But the experience isn't one Leguizamo appears to look back to fondly. When asked how he prepared to play his character in "The Menu," an actor in the twilight of his career, Leguizamo pointed to Seagal.

"I've met lots of these stars like that, maybe before they were washed up," he said. "I kind of based mine on Steven Seagal. I had a bad run-in with him. We did a movie together. It was Executive Decision. He's kind of a horrible human.”

Representatives for Seagal did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

The "Encanto" star has opened up about what he really thinks of Seagal several times over the past decade, including in his award-winning solo Broadway play "Ghetto Klown," which originally opened in New York City in 2011.

Speaking to the AV Club in 2012 about the play and his problem with Seagal, Leguizamo said that their beef began on the first day of rehearsal for "Executive Decision."

"He came in and was like, [low, breathy voice] 'I'm in command. What I say is law.' So I started, like, [snorts]. I mean, who the fuck talks like that? Who comes into rehearsal and says that shit? So I started laughing and he slammed me with an aikido elbow against a brick wall and knocked all the air out of me," he said. According to Leguizamo, he dropped to the ground gasping for breath and asking why.

He added that later on in the filming schedule, he would turn up early on days where Seagal's death scenes were shot on purpose. "I wanted to see him die. It was like a fantasy," Leguizamo added.

In 2014, Leguizamo brought up the incident again during an interview with the Los Angeles Times where he said he was respectful to all the celebrities he mentions in his play – except for Seagal.

"I'm not really attacking anybody in the whole show, except Steven Seagal," he said.


Leguizamo has been dining out on that story ever since it happened.
He seriously needs to move on. The fact that he's fine going on endless talk shows, ragging on Seagal (over an incident that happened nearly thirty years ago) proves that he's obsessed. He calls Seagal all the names under the sun, but never once said it to his face (on or off the set) speaks volumes about Leguizamo.

Seagal is no saint. But (apparently) Kurt Russell didn't get along with Leguizamo on the set either.


But if he said it specifically that Seagal hit him because of he laughed at his comments, then it was likely true.

Because there were is a lot of witnesses on set, and Seagal could sue him if that was not true.

Maybe Leguizamo was annoying, but I don't think he was lying.

As for Kurt Russell, I bet he took side. And when you take the side of someone with more influence, for whatever reason, it won't look very good.


I'm not saying he's lying...but he really needs to move on from it. He literally brings the incident up in almost every interview he does.


He did not sue Seagal, that means he was a good sport, you can't ask for more than that.


Leguizamo was the one that got assaulted. He has every right to say what he wants and move on when he chooses.

It’s the same thing with Chris Rock. People said he should’ve moved on from the Will Smith laugh and not do the Netflix special. But we are in no place to tell him what to do as we weren’t the ones that got slapped on National TV.

Let the victims say their piece.


Though Chris Rock handled it more tactfully. He used it in his standup show, not only making profit off the event, also showcased his skills as a comedian.


Of course he’s not going to say it to his face. Seagal assaulted him just for laughing. Even though both are older, I am pretty sure Seagal could kick his ass.

Seagal did what he did because Leguizamo is weaker. That’s just being a bitch. I bet he wouldn’t have done that if it was Arnold Schwarzenegger or Silvester Stallone that laughed.


I understand what you're saying...I just think Leguizamo should move on (it's been almost 30 years)
He rarely does an interview without shoehorning the story into it. He always finishes his story off with (quote) *"He aikidoed me against a wall, knocking all the wind out of me, and I looked up at him and said "why"...But what I really wanted to say is that he's fat...and runs like a girl"* (cue audience laughter zzzzzzz)
There's litterally dozens of videos online, with Leguizamo doing his one (and only, it would seem?) 'party piece' about the incident.

It's as if nothing of interest has happened to Leguizamo since this incident (he's like a broken record)

I get that Seagal can be a jerk, has a huge ego and is rumoured to be a bully (that's probably why I like him so much)...But all-the-same, I'd expect Leguizamo to have moved on by now?


A simply apology, even privately through his representatives could probably end it. But I don't think Seagal ever did anything about this.


End 'what' exactly?
I don't think Seagal is bothered at all about Leguizamo or apologies?

I just wish Leguizamo would 'change the record'

But if you wish to see John Leguizamo flog the same dead horse for the rest of his career....More power to you.


This is actually the first time I heard the guy's name. Never noticed him before.

But it does do damages to Seagal, because now I will look at him a bit differently, not that he cares.


I get that Seagal can be a jerk, has a huge ego and is rumoured to be a bully (that's probably why I like him so much)

What an odd point of view!


He is a character.

In a world of celebrities, constantly towing the line with whatever 'agenda' (that they probably couldn't care less about?) It's refreshing to see a guy who doesn't give a fuck about notions of (forced, false) civility.

You'll miss him when he's gone.


Hollywierdos like Leguizamo should get bullied. I applaud Seagal for his contribution.


This is what happens when you put two assholes (i.e. Seagal and Leguizamo) together (although I'd say that Seagal was far worse; Leguizamo is just a loudmouth jackass).


A stopped clock is right, twice a day, and despite Leguizamo's recent foolish comments regarding race, he's spot-on here. Seagal's shittiness as a human-being, who is a habitual sexual predator and alleged rapist, as well as a Putin-chum, is notorious.


i would watch seagal movie over leguizamo movie anyday

this man get role in film because hollywood need "token latino man" and that is his role. he does not play character in film, he play token minority man.

at least seagal have some good action movie from late 80s and early 90s before he become sumo.


He can tell all the stories he likes, Leguizamo is an obnoxious Leftist twat. No amount of smearing other actors will ever distract from that.
