Best line
The winters are remarkably warm....
shareI have a top 3 but the winner would be
'No, I taught you a lesson. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter. I'm just here to comfort you'.
'See yaaa.. Byeee'.
That last one, my Sister and I say to each other every time we say good bye to each other.
Stephen: They didn't have utensils in medieval times but they had Pepsi?
Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.
"I hate you! Get out of my life!" I loved Matthew Broderick's delivery!
Also "You know, I bought this time. You buy next time"
Nobody mentioned, "what's wrong Steven, I'm sensing some weird energy from you"
Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours
Don't know why but that line cracks me up every time I see this movie.
"He who hesitates, masturbates."
Or this exchange:
- "She wants you to thirst for knowledge about who she is - all the complicated splendor that is woman. If your love is truly giving, it'll come back to you ten fold."
-- "You're right. That's incredibly insightful."
- "I know. It was Jerry Springer's final thought on Friday's show!"
"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane