MovieChat Forums > Bound (1996) Discussion > 'Laundrying' Money

'Laundrying' Money

Saw and enjoyed "Bound." I found the parts where they "laundered" the bloody cash a stretch. $2.176 million in $100 bills means 21,760 individual bills. Running them through a washing machine is probably possible, but hanging up 21,760 bills to dry, as depicted in the movie, would require over 6,600 feet of line (more than a mile and a quarter), and one would also need 21,760 clothes pins. As for ironing the bills, assuming the ironer can do one bill, both sides, in 10 seconds, with no rest--that would take 55 hours. Yet the syndicate group was on its way from the airport during that time. Someone was way out in left field on this one!


I assume he would have only had to clean the bills that had been bloodied, the ones on the top of the safe that got hit with the splatter. The rest of the night he was just counting it.


Jesus Christ man get a hobby!

"No kitty! This is my pot pie!"


How does it leave me in need of a hobby? Does simple math involve the use of too much brainpower for you to handle during a movie, or any of your "hobbies" for that matter?


It’s not math. It’s arithmetic: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Mathematics depends on formulae.

Someone with OCD, like the OP, who rejects the notion of SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF in a fucking MOVIE, would know that.

Stay miserable, OP.



lol, well I highly doubt ALL of the bills were bloodied. Caesar presumably washed only the bloodied ones (after all, why add to the work & wash the perfectly useable ones?!?) When he storms into the apartment only some are shown bloodied, and even then they're stained to varying degrees.

If I recall, the money was stained when Shelley brought the money out of the underground safe, whereupon Johnny blew his brains out & sent blood flying all over Caesar, the money, etc. Unless they made Shelley undo all the bound stacks of bills & lay them out flat, or hung his messy corpse upside down over the money in order to saturate the bills in blood, its presumably safe to reason that only the 1st layer of bills visible when the money was stacked next to Shelley was bloodied. The rest of the 2.175 million were unstained (and thus not requiring 'laundrying').

Then again, this IS a movie.
Only in a movie can you build a space station the size of a moon & declare it "the ultimate power in the universe", yet leave a small openning on it that if you shot a torpedo into, it would cause the station to explode!

Darth Vader: That is fantastic. Terrific work. So no weaknesses at all?
General Tagge: N... no.
Darth Vader: You, uh, you hesitated there. Is there something I should know?
General Tagge: Well, I mean, there's this little hole. It was kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect. And if you shoot a laser into this hole, the station blows up.
Darth Vader: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That sounds like a pretty big design flaw, then.
General Tagge: No, no, the hole's only two meters across.



I wondered about this, too - regarding how many bills that much money would be. As other people have said, it was probably just the top bills that needed cleaning.


No matter what people say here, I think you are right. This sounds like a plot hole to me.

