why are they together?

why are albert and armand together?
armand just seems annoyed and fed up with him throughout most of the whole movie.
i couldn't be botherd living with such a pain in the a$$
are they still meant to even be lovers in this movie?
or just friends who live together?


> why are albert and armand together? armand just seems annoyed and fed up with him throughout most of the whole movie.

That's what ruined the movie for me. There was just no chemistry between the two. I didn't really see any love. Rather they just seemed to be roommates who tolerated each other mostly.

Maybe it was Robin William's performance. I just wasn't convinced that he was gay. Oh, he gave an over-the-top ham-fest and used many of the typical gay stereotypes, but he just seemed like a straight guy pretending to be gay.

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Nathan Lane did a great job acting like a pain in the ass wife! (blowing things out of proportion, running away from problems) .....Robin Williams on the other hand just seemed macho and not gay at all.....he didn't even have the little gay persona going on. Even the most macho gay men have it!....Look at Robert Halford (lead singer of Judas Priest).

But I also think Armand was just trying his best to make sure Val was happy, and letting out the stress of the way Val was treating him out on Albert. But yes they didn't really have chemistry.



Not everyone is flamboyant with their love. I mean obviously he loved him enough to try and keep him around and make him the "uncle" when the people came and so on. It's funny Armand reminds me of my dad lol. The same attitude and almost dresses the same- SCARY. And no my dad's not gay :p



I just have to ask - Armand wasn't cheating on Albert right? They just made it seem like that in the begining to surprise us about Val?


typical married couple. hahahahahahh they were a perfect fit.



How superficial. I completely believed they were in love. Real love, not fireworks and romance. After 20 years together you get to the point where you can speak your mind and be comfortable around each other. Armand spent every single day dealing with Albert's drama queen cr@p, and Albert spent every day demanding reassurance, and getting it. I have no doubt that living with Albert was frustrating, but that Armand wouldn't trade it for the world. Watch any husband and wife who have been together for 20 or more years and see how they act. She goes shopping and he gets irritated at how much money she spent. He leaves the lid up on the toilet and she gets irritated. These two were the absolute stereotype of the old married couple. When you've been together that long you are lovers AND friends who live together at the same time.

And as for the people who said Armand wasn't gay acting, how many actual gay men do you know? He may have been more butch than Albert, but he was definitely femme too. He was uptight about everything, walked with his hip jutted out, smoked and drank through stress like some 40s actress, and walked like a woman in heels (legs together, feet in a row).


I thought they were great together.

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They're like an old married couple -- like Peter Boyle and Doris Roberts on Everybody Loves Raymond


They needed to establish that Albert was easily offended, and a huge drama queen, which is why we had the big fight in the beginning over Albert's suspicions of infidelity.

But i thought it was still clear that there was real love between them. And yes, in response to the OP's question, they were supposed to be lovers. We didn't see much in the way of physical affection between them - I'm guessing the studio wouldn't allow it (this movie came out almost 15 years ago, after all) - but I thought the script, and the actors, managed to show a meaningful connection between them.

Plus, there was the whole scene with the palimony agreement, and Val calling them his mother and father, and Albert's jealousy whenever he thought there was even a chance of Armand being unfaithful (like when he was alone with Christine Baranski's character.) He wouldn't have acted that way if they were just friends.


they had been together for 20 years, so you wouldn't expect passionate fireworks between them, but they obviously love each other.


Their bickering sort of reminded me of my parents. And you didn't see anything physical between the Senator and his wife either. For that matter, Val and his fiancee didn't get physical either. It just wasn't that type of movie.
