are y'all nuts?!

I wonder if you people know the true meaning of comedy?


i dont know exacly whether or not you liked the movie, but I have to say it was slightly entertaining the first time I saw it, but just slightly. I must say, after seeing it against my will a second time, its the ONLY movie I've ever seen and really disliked. I even saw the last 10 minutes of Ecks vs. Sever and at least that was entertaining. Bio-Dome has its laughs, but if you can avoid it, do so.



Adam Sandler is great. I'll admit Bio-Dome isn't bad but it still has Pauley Shore. He's an annoying sack. The most irritating thing about him is that he gets tons of chicks. A sign of the apocalypse or the next anti-Christ? Perhaps.


true meaning of comedy = making me laugh!

pauly shore isn't up to it


Bio-Dome is an excellent guilty pleasure in my opinion. Its not "true comedy" like a Caddyshack or a My Cousin Vinney but you can turn off your brain and enjoy it.




I saw this movie in a bus. No place to go, can go out, can sleep. Forced to watch this movie the worst torture ever made. Awful.


Ha, I liked it, I thought it was funny. You guys need to stop bashing on people that can laugh at things that aren't super-intelligent.


meh, if a movie makes you laugh (because its funny, not because its bad acting or whatever) then its comedy. If you can watch an Adam Sandler movie and not laugh, your are either too dumb to get even HIS jokes, or you have no sense of humor. Sandler is funny in his stupid roles, but i like him in his average joe role, like Mr. Deeds. That movie was hilarious. Movies are not supposed to be like stand up comedy. But if you want stand up comedy, go watch Robin Williams. He is the funniest man alive.


All the people here who keep preaching about how this movie is such a great comedy need to learn the difference between funny and mind-numbing stupidity.





Thank u.. in my opinion the best comidies are the Stuped low budget ones.. i wouldrather relax my brain and laugh.. then think and laugh. lol besides if u guys dont like the movie Y surch for it.. i find it amazing that people wast their time to Complain about movies they dont like.. if i dont like a movie then dont wartch it.. it is EZer that way..

Some fresh meat for the grinder



I just left the Dazed and Confused board, came here, and in less than 20 minutes saw two different references to how stupid people are that laugh at Adam Sandler movies. This is completely dumb. How can you consider yourself so elitist as to be "above" laughing at dumb comedies? Who are these people trying to impress? I want to know who the people are that actually get impressed by elite intelligent comedy viewers who look down on Bio-Dome and Happy Gilmore just because they're about college burnouts who make fart jokes. Everybody has laughed at flatulence before, and everyone has laughed at dumb teenager stereotypes who say "What number are we thinking of, Bill and Ted?"...."69!!!" before. Please stop lying to yourself and everybody else and lighten up.


"I want to know who the people are that actually get impressed by elite intelligent comedy viewers who look down on Bio-Dome and Happy Gilmore just because they're about college burnouts who make fart jokes."

I wouldn't put "Happy Gilmore" and "Bio Dome" in the same league at all. Your "college burnouts who make fart jokes" description certainly doesn't apply to "Gilmore" (by far Sandler's best film, and one of my favorite comedies).

I think the problem with "Bio Dome" is that once a genre starts with one film--in this case the "screwball slacker comedy"--the offspring get progressively worse over the years. Though I'm not sure what one would credit as being the first "screwball slacker comedy," I know "Bio Dome" wasn't exactly reinventing the wheel.

Take "Airplane!" for example, which isn't a screwball slacker comedy but still serves to illustrate my point. That's one of the most shining examples of deadpan satire ever made. How many pale imitations have been made since then? I can't really think of any that have equaled that level of comedy. I'm not saying it's the funniest film ever made (it's certainly not), but it is probably the best film of its ilk. For some reason, execs have been throwing lame satires at us ever since, in hopes of striking comedy gold. For some reason, most of them feature Leslie Nielsen (the execs apparently fail to remember Nielsen played the straight man in "Airplane!," not an over the top goofball). It never works. If we're talking pure satire, some of Mel Brooks' early work deserves to be at the top of that list as well.

Anyhow, for what it's worth, I thought "Bio Dome" was easily one of the worst films I'd ever seen. I've always loathed Pauly Shore, but I think it wouldn't have mattered who was in that role.

The thing with comedy is that it's highly, highly subjective. Different people laugh at different things.

"Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day..."


There are smart comedies and then there are the dumb ones, I personally dont give a crap if im watching a smart movie or a dumb one, I just want to watch a comedy that makes me LAUGH. I saw Bio-Dome and it is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, I enjoyed watching this dumb comedy and I dont care what anyone says about it lol.
Adam Sandler is funny, I mean he isnt a friggin comic genius but he isnt as bad as ummmmmm Carrot Top or anyone like that!!
So people, please stop whinning about these "bad" movies or actors, you either watch the movie or you dont, if you dont like it, then just STFU and watch something else!!!



"You guys need to stop bashing on people that can laugh at things that aren't super-intelligent."

A-f*ing-men to that one. I mean, I'd like to think I am one of those "intelligent" movie/TV watchers. So who wouldn't, right? My favorite comedy TV show of all-time is Mr. Show and my favorite comedy movie is Big Lebowski -- both widely considered to be "smart people" sorts of programs. All of these facts aside, I liked Bio-Dome. I didn't sit and feel like I was torturing myself watching it, but, in fact, I actually bought the movie to add it to my already fairly large DVD collection.

Before anyone insults my collection, making shots at what's in it, I can proudly say I own Bio-Dome along with LOTR 1 & 2, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Reservoir Dogs, Memento, Pulp Fiction, and American History X, to name a few. In other words, it's not about "introducing [me] to good movies," as I think someone said earlier.

I'm a movie fan. I watch movies to enjoy them, not to pretend I'm going to be the next big movie critic by rolling my eyes at and bashing anything that includes a fart joke. Maybe that's why I enjoyed this movie and some of you guys didn't. You could say that's admirable or not, I don't really care, but I can guarantee you that I have a helluva lot more fun than you guys ever will sitting through any sort of movie.


I don't care what the *beep* you call me but i hated this movie! One of my best friends had me sit down and watch this movie. I didn't want to seem insincitive (that's probobly bad spelling) so I didn't say anything, so I sat there for the hour and a half (which felt longer than watching both LOTR Extended Editions back to back without all the excitement and cinema goodness) cringing my teeth, holding in my insults, almost forcing myself to tears, watching this horrible piece of *beep*! How could anyone like this movie?



Whatever man, this movie was funny and entertaining to me, just because you didn't find it funny, doesn't mean it's not funny, because frankly, YOU don't decide what 'funny' is!


I didn't sit and feel like I was torturing myself watching it, but, in fact, I actually bought the movie to add it to my already fairly large DVD collection.

But if you have a "fairly large collection," then I'm willing to bet you are the type of person who will often buy films you're only marginally interested in. (I know people like this.) Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.

By the way, I'm not saying that as an insult. I'm just saying "movie fans" tend to buy a lot of different types of films, many times purchasing ones they wouldn't even rank among their favorites. I'm the opposite...I only buy things I like a lot. So I don't necessarily see the fact that you own "Bio-Dome" as a sterling recommendation of that film.

You could say that's admirable or not, I don't really care, but I can guarantee you that I have a helluva lot more fun than you guys ever will sitting through any sort of movie.

That's awfully presumptious of you.

"Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day..."


"That's awfully presumptious of you."

To clear things up, I was referring to watching movies, in case anyone didn't catch that, and also referring to the fact that some people here (namely: the people that replied before me) seem to force themselves to dislike a movie because of immature content. Seems awfully pretentious... or Catholic, at least (or have those two become synonymous now?). *insert winking emoticon*

If I were to whittle my favorites down to the ones that didn't include immature content... ummm... I wouldn't have a favorites list.

By the way, how the f*ck do you post pictures? I tried to put a grinning smiley after that last paragraph and a winking one for the paragraph before. I tried HTML, BbCode, and a combination of the two. Nothing worked.


distantsoul is right...STFU if you dont like ti its only a movie people... hes mostly right but like i said adam sandler is a very untalented, un funny piece of garbage.


ALRECYCLER... Thank you...

It's about time someone gave bio dome a good word! I first saw this movie when it came out in 1996, and have seen it that many times that I practically destroyed the tape. Like someone said before, "This isn't supposed to be a stand-up comedy". It's 90 minutes of "STOOPID HA HA" jokes designed to make you say "you what!?!" So how about we give it a rest and lay off! If you want to bitch and moan, do it about something that really deserves it!

Just to rub it in... Does anyone know when this is going to be released on REGION 4??


dvd extras would be epic!

You stay classy, San Diego.
