I hate Iggy so much!

Sid and Stinky may have passed the secret but the way Iggy acted was so terrible. Arnold even did his chores for a week and that jerk still didn't forgive him. I don't blame Arnold for not forgiving him. I wouldn't either. If Arnold doesn't forgive you at all, You've messed up big time!


Me too, that episode was awful


I really think they should've picked someone different. It seemed so out of character for Arnold to not only laugh at the pajamas but actually tell a secret.


I agree with oblinrox. Not only was it rude of Arnold to laugh, but he could've totally prevented that incident by NOT giving hints to Sid and Stinky.

Such as. " Oh nothing it was just something Iggy was wearing that's all I can say"
Or " Something funny happened at Iggys house".

It's almost like Arnold wanted to spill his secret.


While I do not like what Iggy made Arnold do, you have to admit that Arnold did make it VERY obvious for them to figure out. Just look at how they figured it out.

(Arnold laughs when with Sid and Stinky on the bus when they ask him about his visit to Iggy's house.)
Stinky: "Why were you laughing?"
Arnold: "It was something that happened at Iggy's house."
Sid: "What was it?"
Arnold: "I can't talk about it."

Why mention it in the first place? Come up with an excuse at the very least. And saying you can't talk about it will only make them want to know more.

Stinky: "What happened?"
Arnold: "It was something he was wearing, but that's all I can say."

Why the hell would you say that to begin with? He's obviously not trying that hard to keep the secret. He just gave them a MAJOR clue. There are only so many guesses they can make before they get it right.

(after several wrong guesses made by Sid and Stinky, to which Arnold replied with a simple "no".)
Sid: "Well, it had to be something. It's not like he was wearing bunny pajamas.
(Arnold freezes. Sid and Stinky look back at him, and looks like a deer caught in the headlights, not even trying to cover it up)
Stinky: "Wait, you're pulling my leg."
Arnold: "I didn't say anything."

No, but you gave them plenty of help and then made it pretty damn obvious when they guessed right. He didn't even deny it, try and come up with an excuse, or anything. Seriously Arnold, WTF were you thinking? Why didn't you just nonchalantly say "no" like you did with the other guesses?

Arnold: "Look, I promised Iggy I wouldn't say anything, so you guys have to too."
(He walks away, unconcerned while Sid ad Stinky smirk mischievously.)
Sid: "Sure Arnold, sure."

Yeah, great effort there, Arnold. And Sid sounded VERY sincere, didn't he? Arnold didn't pick up on this, or the look on Sid or Stinky's face? At the very least, he should have warned Iggy.
And then when Sid and Stinky tell everyone.

Arnold: "It was an accident, Iggy. I swear, they guessed. I really wanted to keep your secret."

It certainly didn't seem that way. He openly told them that Iggy was wearing something funny that he can't talk about, and then did a sh*t job of trying to cover it up. Iggy had every right to be upset. And then Arnold's concern was, not for Iggy or his reputation, but trying to get Iggy to forgive him and be friends with him again because he felt guilty. He should have just admitted that he screwed up and did a horrible job of keeping Iggy's secret rather than making excuses for himself. Until the end, Arnold really ticked me off in this episode, but yes, I do agree that Iggy making Arnold take the walk of shame went too far.


Arnold was careless the way he slipped an implication of Iggy's pajamas and Iggy was cruel to repay him with humiliation. However, no one is hating on the entire town for laughing at them both because bunny pajamas are not even that funny and just look silly so I think all of their classmates and locals were laughing just to be mean. Even Grandpa should have shown some compassion instead of getting excited about the spectacle and the misery it was going to do to his grandson. The things that people laugh at in cartoons just don't make sense because I can't recall people laughing for days about some goofy outfit. The things that people say and do are funnier than what they wear and a lot of what they laugh at in cartoons is purely superficial. If I can't laugh at guys in bunny jammies, I don't see why anyone else does and they should have been slapped in the face one at a time because I don't see how either Arnold and Iggy would ever want to be friends with anybody in the town that humiliated them. How they got through it and let it all be bygones without any bitterness is beyond understanding.


I agree with oblinrox. Not only was it rude of Arnold to laugh, but he could've totally prevented that incident by NOT giving hints to Sid and Stinky.

Such as. " Oh nothing it was just something Iggy was wearing that's all I can say"
Or " Something funny happened at Iggys house".

I so agree! The whole point was for Arnold to keep his mouth shut. Case closed. And even if Sid and Stinky had said that Arnold shouldn't get the blame, he shouldn't have giving them any hints at all. Saying that it was something that Iggy was wearing was just a dead giveaway. I had to laugh when Arnold actually think that Stid and Stinky wouldn't tell a soul about Iggy's secret. Can someone be that naive? 

"Arnold, my love, why must I worship you...and NEVER EVER tell?" 


I finally watched that episode a few days ago. I definitely see why it's considered the worst episode of the show. If I were Arnold, I wouldn't have laughed at Iggy wearing those PJ's, and if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't have implied anything. Also, Iggy was a total dick in that episode. I can see why Iggy would be mad, but he went months and still did not let it go. Also, it was totally out of character for Phil to want to take pictures of his grandson in a humiliated state.

I have a question now. Being that this was rarely shown after the backlash, did Nick ever show "Helga and the Nanny" mixed with other episodes at all? That was a much better episode and I don't mean in comparison. It actually was a good episode.

All I need is one mic...


The funny thing is both those episodes aired on the Splat network over a week ago and I've seen it aired twice before so I don't see how the episode was successfully removed from airing. I wish it was officially because I hated watching it too considering nothing funny or moral in the least happens in that episode. Like I said, bunny jammies are not that funny and Arnold and later the whole school and town making a bombastic cruel laughter out of it was far from humorous and made me want to shut them all up every time. When an episode makes you feel uncomfortable and frustrated all the way through at the meanness of kids and grown-ups, then it's a wonder why it was placed on a show that was supposed to educate and entertain kids. When it just makes a cold examination of humiliation and nothing more, it felt out of place for the show considering how everyone after that episode acts like they're back to normal and never brings it up again as a bad joke.


They had to stop using Iggy for a long time after that episode was aired, because there was such a huge backlash.

Intelligence and purity.


^^^I agree with every word of this. Supposedly Craig Bartlett made the writers apologize for the episode.


It seemed that Iggy got some dialogue in the episode, "Gerald's Game." That was a while after "Arnold Betrays Iggy."

All I need is one mic...


That episode was wrong on so many levels.

- To prevent that secret, Arnold could've came up with a better excuse as to why he was randomly laughing. Like his grandpa told him a joke etc.


I had forgotten that Grandpa Phil took pictures of Arnold's walk of shame!
Why would he do such a thing?


There were so many bad and "Out of Character"
Moments during this episode.

Like the entire neighborhood willingly standing in front of Arnold's home with cameras waiting to video tape and laugh at him. It's pretty unrealistic as Arnold is one of the most well-liked and respected kid as he's super kind and goes out of his way to help people.
