Ray's Most Annoying Moments

There are two episodes that strike me as Ray at his most annoying.

In Season Two, in the episode, Garage Sale, Ray blurts out in front of the neighborhood to Debra that he wants another baby. This episode was in the same season that had an episode where Ray preferred to stay late at work rather than going home to his wife and children. He didn't really seem to like spending time with his children. In several episodes he doesn't even want to take them to the park for an afternoon. It seems rather perplexing why he would have wanted more children.

In Season Five's Wallpaper, Marie and Frank drive their car through the front of the house, and he is so passive, that Debra is forced to demand that Frank pay the deductible for the insurance. When the house is renovated, he freaks out on Debra that the wallpaper is not exactly the same as the former wallpaper. I just found him childish and ungrateful.

In fact, in Tissues, when Ray complains about Debra's choice of kitchen curtains, and that he has no say in household matters, she tells him, "You don't really want to be involved in the decision you just want to reserve the right to complain." That statement sums up how he behaved in Wallpaper.

I'm curious to see what other people think is Ray at his worst.


I respectfully choose not to contribute to this one, as I feel that I have done enough Ray Barone-bashing on this site in the last two years or so to last a lifetime. But remember, like Phil Rosenthal said: Debra was always so mean to Ray BECAUSE HE HAD EARNED IT.

Thank you for your time.


Yeah, Ray's behavior in "The Garage Sale" was weird. Given the premise of the episode, I would understand his attitude if he had problems throwing things away (I can definitely relate to that!), but wanting another child came out of the blue.

I didn't mind his behavior in "The Wallpaper" because that whole episode was intended to be over-the-top for comedic effect.

IMO, the two instances in which Ray really went out of line were "Big Shots" (ruining the 1969 Mets experience for Robert) and "A Date for Peter" (trying to prevent Peter and Peggy from becoming a couple). I'm usually passive towards Ray's behavior for the sake of comedy, but his behavior in those two episodes was much more irritating than funny.


I will have to check out Big Shots again since I don't remember that episode well.

The Ray and Peggie dynamic was written very inconsistently by the writers.

In Cookies, they are archenemies. Robert: "Oh, you have an archenemy now, what are you a superhero now?" Frank: "Captain Big Nose."

However, in Sleepover at Peggy's, they seem to come to a truce. Then in Party Dress, they have a falling out again, and, finally, in A Date for Peter, they are back to archenemies.


I just thought of another one, which I had forgotten since I've deliberately avoided re-watching this particular episode for years: Ray giving $1,000 to his high school buddies' terrible business idea without consulting Debra first in "Net Worth."


Ray's most annoying moments... this should be a fertile category. Most of the ones where I found him the most annoying are when he thought he was right and would get that big, childish smirk on his face. Then of course, there were the ones when he was acting like manchild. There were also the ones when he would try to act happy, or interested in the children and would come off as totally phony:

- The one when he didn't want to wait for a delivery person, so he got his mommy to do it for him. And when Deborah came home, he insisted that she was lying about having a doctor's appointment in the first place.

- Insisting that he was going to take the kids to the zoo, just because he was jealous that they liked to spend time with Robert.

- The whole trip to Italy, including his sudden attitude adjustment.

- Big shots, as someone else already stated.

- The times when he pointed out that he was the wage earner. (Especially in "The Sigh.")

- Every time he'd whine about having to do anything with the kids.

I know I've left several out. But still, I do like that Ray Romano was willing to play his character as such a manchild wuss. I also like actors whose egos aren't so huge that they're willing to make total jerks out of their characters. (Another great is Bryan Cranston as Hal from Malcolm in the Middle.)


Everyone mentioned some good ones. I think his worst was in season 8, or 9. I forget which

Debra makes a harmless bet with the kids about whether, or not, he'd notice her new hairstyle. When Ray finds out, he acts like a child and accuses Debra of turning his kids against him, then saying it's Marie's fault that he thinks badly of Frank.

But it falls into categories others mention. He doesn't want to be a hands-on father, but wants the kids to automatically adore him. So if his kids think he's a joke, it's someone else's fault.

But overall, Majority of the characters are dysfunctional, and thus frequently annoying. So not like it's only Ray. lol 1 episode Ray may be the main annoyance, but in another episode, it may be Robert. And so on.

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


I think Ray was at one of his worst moments when his book got rejected at the same time the family got the news that Robert made lieutenant. He slammed his hand on the table and walked off without saying a word to his brother. The rest of the family was only slightly better since they toned down their congratulations to Robert to not make Ray feel bad.


All episodes are chocked full of Raymond being annoying


Ray's most annoying habits were his spin. The way he put the blame on Debra (The Checkbook) so he wouldn't look like an idiot. The story he put out about how he came to buying Deb, To Kill A Mocking Bird. Wow! Pure Raymond.



Practically every time he opens his mouth and talks. Second only to his mother.
