Here's a current, as I write, link to a short vid of the alternate ending: ternate-ending_tv
I think I like it rather better than the one that aired, or at any rate that made it to Hulu Plus, where I just finished a re-watch of the entire series. The ending without the abduction is moving and sweet, and funny, but with it... I think it adds something that was missing. The show could not have made it more clear and Dick and Mary were a perfect match, if often in spite of themselves, and I hated their having to part.
And she'll adjust, and forgive him. She always did, eventually!
I like that this ending is available, because it's like a Choose Your Own Adventure story. Each viewer can choose which way we prefer it, and consider it to have ended that way.
"Wait a minute! The guy's a nihilist, what does he want a birthday for?"