MovieChat Forums > Now and Then (1995) Discussion > People saying SBM is so much better than...

People saying SBM is so much better than NAT

Dramas are not automatically better than dramadies like this. Just because one is "deeper" doesn't make it better than the other. Get over it. They're both good I'm sure, just in different ways, and both are well acted (but personally, I can't get into movies with no girls to relate to).

Boys are immature and needed a mature "oooh, so deep and dark" movie like SBM, and girls are usually more mature and serious so they got a more realistic, light-hearted movie like NAT. Try comparing SBM to Little Women. Just try.

K? Let's stop now.

inb4 SBM-nazi rage

I try to be like Grace Kelly, but all her looks were too


I tried watching SBM multiple times and I couldn't get into it, maybe because I couldn't relate to it, I am a girl maybe that's why. But really, what majority of average kids finds a dead body and a fight over it with older kids involving knives and guns? I don't think this is usually what happens in most people's childhood.


Both are superb films. But like the previous poster, I too didn't relate to SBM like I did NAT. Things that took place in NAT are real life situations that occur in most of our childhoods, while SBM was not.

Been trying hard not to get into trouble, But I've got a war in my mind..



Stand by me is better but I love both so much.


I like both films, but Now and Then is the inferior one mainly because of the adult cast and adult part of the story, which really didn't work very well.

I loved this movie as a kid, but watching it again as an adult, the adult part of the story really irritated me. Its true the adults didn't really appear all that much, but even that was too much.

Stand by Me was pretty much perfect all the way through except the story about the pie eating contest, which I felt was unnecessary. It doesn't really detract from the story though.

I agree that Now and Then was probably more realistic in depicting the kids lives though.

R.I.P. Rick Ducommun and Tony Longo



'Stand By Me' is deeper because boys ARE deeper than girls. Young boys possess a cognitive complexity their female peers will never understand, and the gap only widens with age since girls never really 'grow up' the way a boy grows into a man.

Women are just large children - this movie perfectly reflects that.


Haaaaahhhhnnnnk shooooooo

I tried atheism but wasn't pious enough.
