MovieChat Forums > Nixon (1996) Discussion > Who Here Respects Dick Nixon

Who Here Respects Dick Nixon

I do. Nixon did some... Things during his time in the office, but he did some great things too. I think modern culture has shreaded the man up into tiny scraps and let fiction and critizim take over. If in school I am given the choice to do a biography on a president, I'd pick Nixon. Sure, I may crack jokes about him. But deep down I respect him a lot. I just think he is misunderstood from what people have done to his image. I think Nixon is a good president, and one of my favorites.

Who else respects him?


I think he did what he thought was right, given the circumstances. He was very foul mouthed, and angry man, but that was a product of his hostile environment. I think deep down he wanted everybody to love him, but they didn't, so being a grouch was the only way he could deal with it.


Richard Nixon was assassinated. His character I should say. He was a great President.


So do I. He wasn't perfect, but who is?


I do. There's a Youtube channel called Richard Nixon Foundation, and there's so many great clips of him speaking. He was a very smart president, and someone who steered American in the right direction.
