Any guys like this movie?
I'm a guy and I love this movie. My friends make fun of me when I say that. Hey this movie is awesome and it brings tears to my eyes and I don't care who knows it hahaha.
shareI'm a guy and I love this movie. My friends make fun of me when I say that. Hey this movie is awesome and it brings tears to my eyes and I don't care who knows it hahaha.
shareI am a 25 year old man and Im creating a waterfall every time I see this movie, so yes, I cry!
shareim a guy too and i love this movie.
shareI'm a 20 yr old black male and I love this movie. Used to watch it all the time in the mid 90's on HBO. I never cried for any movie ever, but if I ever came close, this is one of those movies.
shareI'm an 18 year old male, and I love this film, and always have. I just watched it recently after not having seen it for quite some time, and it's still as powerful as ever. Alfonso Cuaron has got to be one of the most talented and underrated filmmakers around.
shareAwwwwww, God bless all of you!!!!
I'm a guy. I just watched this movie again tonight and I haven't seen it
in years. Very beautiful movie. And yes, I cry at some parts too.
"The trouble with the world is that its always a drink behind." --Humphrey Bogart
20 yr old guy here and yes, I love this movie as well. It's well acted, has a good script, the score and cinematography is excellent, and has a good message. How can anyone not like it?
"Life's like a Dick; when it get's hard, it takes you quail hunting and shoots you in the face."
I think we need to stop labeling things as specifically male or female. Then people would not be ashamed to admit what they like. There's nothing wrong, what so ever, with a guy loving this movie. Like what you like! I love this movie, although I am not a guy. :p
shareI'm a guy and I hate this movie! I love transformers and rambo and die hard and epic movie and scary movie! I hate films like this and a beautiful mind and shawshank redemption and bucket list and Amelie because those films are for girls! GIRLS I SAY!
I'm a 34-year-old guy who likes this movie. I got teased for liking the 1986 version when I was little and because I was obsessed with Princesses when I was young, no one (let alone myself) understood it but there you go - live and let live I say!
BTW, I'm straight and a former paratrooper!
Perfection is boring - flaunt the imperfection!
Me too. It's definitely on my list of greatest movies of all time, i can't understand why this isn't on the top 250 or on most the greatest movies ever list.
shareSorry, just watched it and hated it, so twee and syrupy I wanted to vomit.
shareOMG! I am glad a guy likes this movie. This movie is on Netflix, boyfriend and I were flipping through Netflix's watch instantly and I saw that A Little Princess was on there and I flipped out! This is one of my all time favorite childhood movies! At first boyfriend said "no" then I told him about it and how I hadn't seen it in years. So, being the good boyfriend that he is he caved in, lol. But, I couldn't believe how interested he was throughout the whole movie!!! I thought he would probably fall asleep through the whole thing, but he didn't, then I hear him sniffling, lol. He was basically balling at the end of the movie, SPOILER when Sara's dad comes running after her. It was funny because we were both crying. When the credits were rolling he turned and said to me "Honey, good choice!" LOL. I about died when he said that to me!
Yep I do a lot. And I am late teen, listen to hip hop and ride bikes fast. There you go.
*raises hand*
And I admit it without shame :)