Thanks for sharing; everything you have stated is true due to my personal experience with a relative that recently passed away from cirrhosis of the liver.
I can attest that some of the scenarios in this movie are absolutely not true. Yes, maybe you can drink that much, yes, maybe you can function normally ingesting a certain amount, yes, people do act that stupid when they drink, but to have it outright kill you? No.
When a relative of mine was dying, it was not a pretty sight. After being diagnosed with end-stage liver disease, they passed away five months later.
A few weeks prior to their death, their liver was finally shutting down. As time went on, they would sleep more and more, could barely speak, eat food, consume fluids, dropped an enormous amount of weight due to loss of appetite, lost bodily functions (urinating and defecating themselves), disorientation, weakness, vomiting blood, hallucinations, and bedridden. They lost their leg and pubic hair, completely jaundiced (yellowing of the skin, eyes, and gum line), and their stomach was distended (beer belly). They were suppose to have their liver drained weekly but never did due to the accumulation of fluid buildup in the abdomen. They were also a heavy smoker, but couldn't inhale because the cigarettes just aggravated their condition.
Mind you, it took 40+ years of habitual substance abuse just to arrive at that state, not one month as Ben had indicated in the movie. Depending on your tolerance, it would take too long to off yourself if you're looking to checkout the quickest way possible.
Technically, Ben shouldn't have been able to keep drinking if his organs were shutting down. Every sip of alcohol would have made a burning sensation in his liver. The way they portrayed it in this movie is unrealistic. Nobody just gently passes away from continued alcohol consumption.
Take it from somebody who experienced it first-hand: Unless you slip into a coma, get hit by a bus, or choke on your own vomit like Jimi Hendrix (in his case, combination of pills and booze), you can't kill yourself drinking. At the very most, you'll give yourself liver cancer and organ failure. Remember, the real life Ben Sanderson (John O'Brien) ultimately wound up shooting himself because death by alcohol wasn't working.
I know, it's just a movie, but I thought I'd let everybody know in case somebody is contemplating taking their life by drinking. That's just simply not an option.