Useful Q. i believe that analysis of art qua art would eschew psychology, sociology, and perhaps even morality, despite various good intentions of the other replies. That rape scene of misunderstanding and lack of flexibility seems to represent the meaninglessness of a professional selling love inauthentically but who needs to love in truth (and how goes your romance or marraige?). Significant that the loving relationship features absence of physical love making, which for Sera substitutes for language. Ben's position, tho perverse is more authentic: to drink self to death. Trying to die would be a simularcum of existence. What does it mean that one IS? What does it mean what one DOES? For that rape scene, note that the hostility is first enacted by the target, too inflexible to think her way thru an emotionally charged situation, to have principles that guide her to notice points of decision or difficulty - in which sense she acts as stupidly as the Micheal Douglas character in Fatal Attraction; both refuse to think. (This amounts to a violation of human functioning contrasted with automatic animalistic routine behavior, which will always invite Contempt. Indeed, her fantasy that she could enter a high pressure system and remain outside of it, free from her own overreactions is a conceit we all share in the overcharged high pressure systems we all are in called family. This works out technically in Existentialism as Bad Faith. Sera demonstrates a Bad Faith position in life by commodifying herself For Others, and separating that from her more authentic self that needs to love and create meaning by giving care. Those reactions of others merely reflect her hostility in this stance toward the world. Ben, on the other hand, does it all to himself and intends to. What dies for Ben is Ben. What dies for Sera is innocence and belonging, which she has killed off already by the position she occupies in life. Altogether a very cynical account of ontological meaning. That it is wrapped in an attractive romantic and escapist package does not change the essential pessimism.