MovieChat Forums > Jumanji (1995) Discussion > Did this freak anybody else out when the...

Did this freak anybody else out when they were little?

Ok, yeah, I was probably like three years old. But my only memory of this movie is watching the beginning and being completely freaked out xD.

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. - C.S.Lewis


I watched Beauty and the Beast when I was a little girl and that basically prepared me for any scary movie experience I could possibly have. I was enthralled by Jumanji!

My parents knew what they were doing.


Yep! I was probably about 5 or 6 the first time I actually watched it (I would've been 3 the year it came out but I know I didn't see it until a few years later) and by that point both my older sisters had watched it many times before, we had it on VHS and one day they put it on and I watched it with them. I was pretty much terrified from start to finish! The whole movie freaked me out. I still watched the whole movie because I always quite enjoyed being scared by certain things (as long as they weren't too bad) but by the end of the movie, I was struggling because I was so scared by it. Luckily, then, my sisters started making me laugh at it, at the part when all the animals get sucked back into the game and they're all flying backwards, so that I wouldn't be scared of it and it worked. Funnily enough, it ended up being one of my all time favourite childhood movies and I will still watch it today!

'You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?'


I saw this in theaters when I was 6 and I loved it. This was the most talked about movie among kids in that age group at the time, so it became the must see movie. I remember there being some talk among the adults about the movie being too scary for kids, much like with Jurassic Park, and my parents questioned if it would be too much for me before they took me to see it, but we went to see it anyway and I wasn't scared by it. Not long after I saw it, I found a small box and made a makeshift version of the board game by drawing the paths inside, used a clear pudding cup as the middle piece and small animal figures as the pieces. Of course not long after, I bought the actual Jumanji board game that was released.

I knew a few people who were scared by the movie as kids, but even as a relatively sensitive kid, I loved the movie and wasn't scared by it.

My first feature: available here!


Yes! The drum beat, Alan getting sucked into the game, the lions, pretty much everything freaked me out as a kid.


My daughter is 4, and she has probably watched this movie 4 times in the 2 weeks since I first introduced it to her. She is perfectly happy watching it by herself too. Her favourite bit is when Alan gets sucked into the board. She keeps asking questions about where the animals come from, and I explained the game is magic, not like her own boardgames.

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live



I know how you feel. The lion in the movie freaked me out when it first appeared. I just saw the movie again today and I'm 24. God, it still was freaky. Love this movie.


For me, 'Jumanji' was that movie that we all have at least one of.

That movie that, when you were a kid, scared you beyond belief, and yet, despite that, you still went back and watched it again and again? Hell, when I was a kid, I remember I'd cut up empty cereal boxes, paint them brown, sticky-tape the bits together and make my own Jumanji game.

Even now I proudly own the DVD and often find myself watching it if I'm in the mood for a bit of nostalgia. For me, this was that scary movie that was scary enough to give me nightmares and make me afraid of drum-beats, but at the same time was adventurous and fun enough to keep bringing me back to relive it.

It's like an extreme sport. Doing it is dangerous and risky, but it's so much fun while you're doing it.


I watched this movie when I was nine, and I clearly remember the first time we see the lion creeped me out.

"It's already mutated into human form! Shoot it!"
