10 Reasons Why DREDD Is Better than JUDGE DREDD
Hope you guys are looking forward to it!
Hope you guys are looking forward to it!
i like both movies really, each one in its own way. 1995 juddge dredd has that awesome comic atmosphere, everything looks just *beep* great and badass, and dark. New 2012 dredd is different movie, pure fast action, the raid/robocop. minimalism in dialogue, fast and brutal ending, everything is just sharp about that movie. i call it even. even tho i must admit that new dredd is probably a better movie.
shareDredd (2012) didn't include Rob Schneider. That was good enough for me.
On second thought, it may have been nice if he was one of the 3 people that got thrown off the balcony in the opening scene at Peach Trees (assuming he didn't have any speaking lines).
The fundamental one?
The filmmakers got the character of Dredd right in the 2012 version.
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