100% for the biological parents

I dont understand how someone can say otherwise.

I would do what they did...if anything i will not have let my daughter return to the other parents. I would want her to stay and get to know her family and her brothers and sisters.....

I say this coz I am a mother, of three kids and if i lost any of my girls, i will go through hell and high water to get them back- whether they are 3, 13 or 30! And i will ensure they get to know each other.....

If I was in Janie's shoes i will think i got two families who love and want me. Whereas there are kids who have no family, no love and no home....

I see that Janie was selfish and the Jessmons were blind, surly they know what it is like to loose a daughter...why will they want to do it to another family?


This has happened in real life a number of times, and almost always the biological parents have insisted on taking the child, many have been older, and without fail, the children have suffered tremendously. Running away, suicide, drugs, ending up back with the only family they remember. Yes, these things are in part because of the trauma of the situation itself, but I think it is pretty strong evidence that the biological parents should move very slowly, think, and consider the wishes of the child. That is something we have a HUGE PROBLEM with in this country....much to the detriment of children. Biological isn't always RIGHT. Yes, I am a parent, and I pray I would have the courage to do what is best for my child. Immediately removing a child from their FAMILY and expecting things to go well is just ridiculous. That child has NO real connection to their biological family. Blood doesn't connect heart and soul. I have a sad feeling the biological parents in the real life cases learned that the hard way.


They had Barbara Walters interviewing Kimberly Mays on ID Discovery a few weeks ago. One of her issues with her biological family was Mrs. Twigg asked her to call her "Mom", which made her very uncomfortable. ALSO, Mrs. Twigg kept insisting the baby switch had been engineered by Mrs. Mays family, because they were so influential in the area. Even if that was true, she had no business repeating accusations like that to Kimberly. And then claiming Bob Mays was brainwashing Kimberly into taking the Twiggs to court to terminate their rights.

Bob Mays has now passed away and Kimberly hasn't had contact with the Twiggs in several years and doesn't want any.


Anyone in here who doesn't side with the biological parents is off their rocker. Whats to prevent anyone from taking somebodys kid and then claiming after a however many years that its best the child stays with them? There has to be some sort of law or process in place to bring the child back to their biological parents.


The Jessimans did not kidnap her. The only thing they were guilty of was believing their daughter when she came home after being gone for several years with what she claimed was their granddaughter. And even the biological parents realized that, or they wouldn't have let her call them.
Children are not property. And a sixteen-year-old girl has every right to expect to be listened to during a custody dispute.

Anyone in here who doesn't side with the biological parents is off their rocker.

And comments like that are rude.


rosemei, I think it's pretty easy, reading through all the comments, to see that some people see children as property (like the OP) and some see them as an innocent victim. I was a little horrified by the bio parents blind belief in their ownership and disregard for Janie's emotional welfare. She was cut off from the parents that raised her and made to feel guilty for what her kidnapping did to biomom. Sheesh. Looked like she was re-kidnapped legally by the bio family.

In real life the bio family would have continued the crap and Janie would have ended up a drug addicted 20yr old mom.
