Alternate ending
On the special edition of this, an alternate ending is included. In this, Mcclane doesn't figure out about Simons location at the pier, is suspected of working with Gruber, and kicked off the force. He later tracks down Simon on his own. Simon has killed off the rest of his group and taken the money for himself. John shows up at his mansion with a grenade launcher missing its sights. John riddles with Simon, putting the launcher on the table and making Simon turn it to go whichever way he thinks it will fire. The last riddle is "man walks into a bar, the bartender pulls out a grenade launcher. What did the man forget to bring?" Simon guesses wrong, turns the launcher one more time and fires. It kills him. Johns walks away and says "he forgot a flak vest. Yippee-ki-yay."
Which ending do you prefer?