Ramsey made the comment about Lippizaner stallions, from Portugal, and them being "all white". Hunter responds that they are not from Portugal, but from Spain, and at birth, they are black. Ruined the movie, kinda. Why can't black and white antagonists in a movie just fight without racism? This was a fantastic, thrilling movie! Don't ruin it by putting racism into it.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Perhaps they were just sparring equestrian knowledge just like they sparred military knowledge earlier.
I never saw this dialogue as racist. Perhaps you are the racist one(s) who cannot stop thinking about it and view everything through a racist lens.
Watch Hunter's reaction when Ramsey says "they're all white." It's definitely meant to be a topic about racism. However, I don't think Ramsey was racist. I think he was just needling Hunter to get a reaction.
I take it as a comment referring to black vs white as an argument. Not race, just decision making. Denzel sees in shades of gray, Hackman sees in only black and white. That's the whole point of the movie. It's hammered into you in almost every establishing scene that Hackman doesn't like thinking and Denzel does. Race never comes up.
Denzel Washingtons character did not say they were black, he said they are born black and then turn white and Gene Hackmans character replied "I did not know that" but then insisted that they are still from portugal not from spain. So they did not argue about the colour of the horses only the country.
NOW, even CHARACTERS INSIDE movies, complete with bad character flaws, attitudes, and opinions are not allowed to do negative or objectionable things?
You do realize that almost all movies are based around conflicts, and human stupidity, right?
What you are driving for is everything to end up being bland, gray, Barney cartoons. Enjoy that.
The line was brilliantly delivered, sets up even more conflict, and is interestingly resolved at the very end.
Go ahead and remove all the "offensive" parry an jousts from your films - see how you like them.
Can't wait for the REAL world to wake the f*** back up and melt this snowflake BS
I agree with you, but there wasn't even anything objectionable in that scene.
These race hustlers do nothing but think about race and racism constantly(ironically making them the real racists). A nuanced and rather innocent bit of dialogue about how things are not always black and white/right and wrong; there are grey areas, was interpreted by the race hustlers as "racist" simply because the color of the horses' hair(not even skin, lol) was mentioned.
If they hear the words "white" or "black", regardless of context, they automatically think "white men bad and racist against poor innocent black people".
They cannot escape the brainwashing they received at the hands of the state. It has become part of their consciousness. To remove it would demolish their psyche and alienate them from their fake and also brainwashed social group(s).
They will die on this dumbass hill because they have no choice. Their own mind prevents them form considering it to possibly be bullshit as a self defense mechanism.
Yeah it cheapened Ramsay, who was a complex and sympathetic villain until they made him a herp derp racist at the last moment. That’s Tarantino for you.
They didn't get it completely correct anyway. The foals are usually bay (reddish brown/brown) or black (not just black) and became lighter each year as the graying process takes place, with the process being complete between 6 and 10 years of age. Lipizzans are not actually true white horses, but this is a common misconception. A white horse is born white and has unpigmented skin. Until the 18th century they had more variations of colors but the dominant one is grey.
Could be a subtle racism remark but it wasn't really noticeable until you went back to it. Thought it was just the usual banter that he does with the XO. After Ramsey recommended Hunter to his own sub and went into early retirement, they had the conversation again near the end where he admitted he was wrong about them being in Portugal. They smiled, saluted and he went to fetch his dog and scene ends.
lol....those always trying to find "racism" everywhere are bound to miserably live in a state of endless "offense".
Discussing horses being black or white has to be "racist"?
That is ridiculous beyond compare.
Well you can lay the blame squarely on Quentin Tarantino’s shoulders for that bit of dialogue. He was brought in at the last minute to beef up the script between the two leads. Google it if you don’t believe me.