Ramsay was correct
Hi All,
It is my considered opinion that Ramsay was correct.
My reasons are that the orders to launch were given. That's the end to it.
I mean no Commander-in-Chief (by that I mean the President) is going to give authorisation to launch without expecting the weapons to be launched. He would be well aware that communications to submarines is flaky. The codes would only have been given if they were 100% certain that they wanted to nuke the enemy.
With all of that going through Ramsay's mind, any subsequent message would have been acted upon only if it was possible to do so. A piece of paper with an incomplete message is just garbage.
If push came to shove and Ramsay launched when the C-in-C hadn't intended it to happen, it would be the C-in-C at fault, not Ramsay. The C-in-C shouldn't have given authroisation unless he intended it to happen.
Or to put it another way, once the President says 'go' it's in essence 'pushing the button himself'. The birds are on the way.
Decent enough movie for being a thriller, but Hunter was well in the wrong here (IMHO).