MovieChat Forums > Casino (1995) Discussion > The wife character and borderline person...

The wife character and borderline personality disorder

Sadly the women I have known resemble the Sharon Stone character. On a recent viewing, I laughed when others were so shocked by the car parking scene and freakouts at home. To me I felt this was rather tame compared to the batsh*t craziness I have experienced.

Where anything, could trigger an outburst that could last all-day.

Are all beautiful women subject to this condition - "borderline personality disorder"? Whatever that really means, where they simply have such extreme ranges of overreactions that are tolerated because of their looks?


Were the women as good looking as she was in that movie?? She actually won an Oscar for that I think??


Yeah, but to be fair, she was on drugs. Not saying she was the most balanced individual - however - drug use leads to nonsensical behavior. So, lets assume whatever mental shortcomings she had were exacerbated by her drug use.

What is stunning to me, are people (men and women) who, out of the blue, suddenly have these vitriolic outbursts.

People straight as an arrow, at the drop of dime, under the influence of nothing - instantly in a rage.

Go figure.....


Good damn question

It's too easy to assume all beautiful women are crazy

For what it's worth, Stone claims she needed to "find Ginger" somewhere inside her. While filming Ginger's death in the hallway, she says she felt "Ginger" physically leave her (Stone's) body.

Now Stone's kind of crazy herself, I should note, in a weird Doc Brown kinda way. But even she wasn't crazy enough to play Ginger without becoming Ginger to some extent

So how true is it that beauty = crazy? Who knows? Recommend it to the Stanford Sociology Dept. (the ones who confirmed that, yes, people take longer to leave their parking space when they know you're waiting)

It's true that Ginger's real life inspiration, Geri McGee, was the kind of beautiful who knew it. Lefty Rosenthal recalls her smiling at him in bed and saying something to the effect of, "you've never been with someone like me, have you?"

Whether it's true or not, she believed she was privileged with extraordinary beauty and felt entitled as a result


Well she’s a loser. Clearly had a bad childhood. Best friend was a pimp. This is how women like this act. Insecure narcissist losers.

If it took place today she’d have a TikTok channel giving “advice” with links to her OF.


spoiled and never having had to deal with consequences is what makes this kind of person imo. I think a lot of beautiful women wind up like this. they flip out when they don't get their own way because they've lived this privileged life for so long that they begin to believe that they totally deserve it


In my experience I'd say yes, they all are subject to this condition. The one I dated in 1988 was so sweet for a couple of weeks, then she showed her true colors. Not that it was a total shock to me I was 23 and felt the rage/spoiled behavior coming from day one. She was a lot like Sharon Stone, alcoholic, friendless, and no impulse control whatsoever. I remember she telling me a few things about herself and it was all I needed to know to get away from her as fast/permanent as possible. The fact that I even hooked up with her in the first place was proof enough she was a complete trainwreck.

2nd girl I met in 1994. So sweet, very very loving. I read recently that a promiscous women will always find a simp. Well, I was the simp but I didn't know it. At the same time my friend visited New York and noticed all these attractive women with these ugly, rich guys. He said "A woman will be anything you want her to be if you've got money". His comment stuck with me. Man, she hid her true self very well for a long, long time. Over time I realized I was the simp, and didn't want to be one. Then, and only then, did she completely change her personality. So callous, mean, with no apology whatsoever. The day came to say goodbye, she wouldn't do it she turned around and walked away. Later she would send emails trying to play nice but I simply would not reply.

I've admitted to my mistakes, which there are many. I've never ever heard my exes admit to one and you know what, I don't blame them. They always get what they want but they're never truly happy.


Maybe you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people? Like attracts like.
