MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) Discussion > Socially Progressive for a Mid-90's Come...

Socially Progressive for a Mid-90's Comedy...

I feel like the lesbian relationship between Marsha & her best friend, while somewhat played for laughs, was not mean-spirited. The joke was how Marsha was rather oblivious of her lesbian friend & the crush she obviously had w/her. Another movie might've made fun of & even ridiculed lesbianism, but this movie was brave enough not to go there for some cheap laugh.

In the last scene in front of the house, when Mike has his speech in front of his neighbors, there's even a gay couple among the group who embrace.

Again, this is a movie made in 1995, when being gay was still considered silly & a cheap laugh in movies. Kudos to the writers for being so progressive.


Yea...the 90s...the dark ages.


Um, I grew up (gay) in the 90s. It WAS the dark ages. Terrible decade I'd rather forget. I agree with OP.


It was the best decade.


Yeah, was about to say the same thing. I bet folks who keep saying that were just little kids back in the 90s.


The 90s weren't that backward. Will and Grace was on TV for example.


It was the 90s not the 1890s


You realize that hate crimes against LGBT+ people were not considered crimes back then?


That's an utter lie.


This movie came out just a few months before the episode of Friends that showed a gay marriage. The 1990's weren't as backwards as you seem to think.

....we're lucky if we last three months
John Lennon, 1963


This movie came out a year after Threesome; which dealt bluntly with homosexuality and bisexuality. There were *many* movies and TV shows that dealt with gay themes in the 1990s. In fact, anyone old enough to remember will recall the 90s being called "The 'gay' 90s." There was a whole lot more depictions of gays in the media than there had been in the 80s. It kills me when people act like relevant things/trends of today only emerged today. Just about everything you see now, the 90s had.


I think what the OP was saying is that there were gay characters in the film, but it wasn't ever referred to. Nobody said, "Oh she's a lesbian!" in the movie. Or "There's a gay couple on the block". They were just people. There were films in the 90's that had gay characters, but they were pointed at as being the gay characters.


90s was very progressive. Grunge was linked to the riot grrl movement which was all about liberal ideals and that was alive and well in the late 80s and early 90s.


Were you alive in the 90s? You act like no films/shows showed homosexuality in a normal or positive light:

-party of five
-star trek tng

Just to name a few off the top of my head.


So did Monty Python around 1970.


Actually there were gay characters in tv and movies in the 70s. It became swept under the rug in the 80s.

So it wasn't really that shocking in 95, more a case of "oh, we don't have to hide this again."
