I was about 12 in 1995, when the series sttared so I was pretty young when I began watching The Outer Limits. I didn't even know it was a Canadian series until a few years ago, but I remember alot of the old ones like Heist with a young pre-Saving Private Ryan Barry Pepper and that pretty freaky epsiode with Brent Spiner who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also remember there was another epsiode where aliens had abducted a street block or something, can't remember precisly. But of all my absolulte favorite of all times is Abduction. Not only because I'm in love with Meghan Ory (SP) but because it is a very, very good lession about school shootings that I think all people adults and kids alike should watch. Heck why not even show it to a high school class and get then to discuss the topics that the epsiode presents. Anyways, I like sharing, so what's yours? Another one I also liked stared John Spencer from the West Wing and Micheal Ironside it was called "Summit".