MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > Jules' change of heart is because of eat...

Jules' change of heart is because of eating Big Kahuna Burger

During Jules monologue while eating the tasty Big Kahuna burger, we learn that he is a vegetarian. Eating meat, and introducing required nutrients and proteins into the brain caused Jules to rethink his mission in life.

It was the meat that allowed his brain to ponder the bullet dodging incident.


He said his girlfriend was a vegetarian and that he had to make her think he was too. So it's possible he was eating meat behind her back. But you are wrong. The miracle of not getting hit by those bullets is what made him want to change his life. Also I could not ever date a vegetarian. I like meat too much and have eaten it my whole life. Somehow it coming from animals never bothered me.


Jules was only able to comprehend the miracle because his brain had received appropriate nutrition for the first time in who knows how long. Remember, he doesn't immediately recognize the miracle. It's not until later, after his delicious meat has digested some, when he ponders the significance of what happened.

Jules intimated that he was a vegetarian because his girl is a vegetarian. He never hints that he cheats with meat. He clearly says: ''my girl is a vegetarian, which makes me a vegetarian".


Yeah but that does not mean he was neccesarily eating nothing but vegetables and fruit. I know vegetarians who eat fish and some dairy. Also you need to watch the movie again cause right after they are shot at, and shoot the guy dead, Jules declares it was divine intervention and that it was a miracle.


You're probably right.


Jules intimated that he was a vegetarian because his girl is a vegetarian. He never hints that he cheats with meat. He clearly says: ''my girl is a vegetarian, which makes me a vegetarian".

Nahh, he actually says:

"Well, if you like burgers, give them a try sometime. Me, I can't USUALLY get them 'cause my girlfriend's a vegetarian, which PRETTY MUCH makes me a vegetarian. But I do love the taste of a good burger."

The capitalized parts aren't just "hints" that he cheats with meat behind his girlfriends back. He is explicitly saying it. And plus, he actually eats some of the burger in the scene, lol. Nothing "hints" at cheating with meat quite like actually doing it.


The whole thing about it is a joke, a universal joke, about how all dudes pretend to like or be for something because there missus is. It's that simple.
I'm agreeing with you btw haha.


Yeah man, I get it. I was just playing along with the OP's literal reading of the scene.


Theres nothing to suggest he's "cheating" or "going behind his girlfriends back"

He just says that pretty much makes him a vegetarian.
The meakls they have together are vegetarian , the stuff she buys in the supermaket is vegetarian .
When she cooks she makes vege,
when he cooks he does same ,

This makes him pretty much a vegetarian.

But she might not mind at all if he has a burger while he's at work .




you'd be a fool to believe anything Jules said during his "introduction" was true.
remember he didn't even say his name. it was just him making those guys uncomfortable.

he was just fucking with Brett and his crew. he didn't have a vegetarian girlfriend.. we know for sure later when he just decides to walk the earth, and doesn't even mention a chick.


Good point.


i also love the stare down he gives Brett while finishing/slurping the Sprite.
like he's saying "you're dead meat" with his eyes.

LOL sam jackson is just pure gold.


Agreed. I always interpreted that as foreshadowing what Jules was about to do to Brett. Him finishing Brett's drink symbolized his imminent ending of Brett's life.


Come to think of it, wasn't he eating sausage in the restaurant later?


No. A corn muffin. Vince was eating bacon.


Wasn't it bran?


corn muffin
While talking about God, redemption, and miracles, Jules confides to Vincent that he feels he's been given a sign, and wants to "try to be a shepherd." Vincent eats pancakes with a side of bacon, while Jules picks delicately at a large corn muffin, until Pumpkin and Honey Bunny pull their guns and distract him from his ...


the muffin i interpret as Jules maintaining a sort of diet of modest consumption.

as he talks about changing his life (from a sinner) he eats only a small portion. Vincent is wolfing down, as a glutton, without paying attention and later gettin shot. Vincent is also shown experiencing pride, wrath, and lust.. when dropping Mia off.


Hey now, walking the earth is pretty par for vegetarian girlfriend, I'd say.


there was no girlfriend.
Sam confirms in an interview that his characters bullshits most of the time depending on the situation his character is in.


SLJ: "My characters bullshit a lot."


Of course, that's assuming he ever even said something that stupid in an interview, which I doubt.

reply conversely, the young man who came out of the bathroom guns blazing probably just had a Big Kahuna burger, which increased his blood pressure ,which in turn cause him to miss Jules!

Big Kahuna really did play a bigger part in this movie than most people recognize.


Lol! That is right. Though I would argue the experience of that guy missing made Jules want to quit the life of a hitman. I like that part at the end where he says what he thinks the bible verse he is always quoting means. It is one of the Oscar worthy scenes with him.


A very unique film.

I remember seeing this in the theater with a date, I loved it and she " didn't get it". The week before we watched some mediocre film (Cliffhanger?) which she loved.

The relationship didn't last long.


I've never seen Cliffhanger but I am somewhat familiar with it. Frankly, if your girlfriend is into action movies that makes you a lucky guy because some women I know do not like action movies and refuse to watch them.


She might have loved action movies, but I didn't get any😀


Don't take this the wrong way, but I believe in saving sex for marriage.


I never understood saving sex for marriage. I mean I get it in terms of religion but not knowing if you're compatible or not could really put a dampener on that honeymoon period.


Yeah, what if she stinks?


Well it's a moot point anyway since I have yet to meet a woman who wants to date me. Still, I think a person should at least really get to know someone really well before having sex with them. I don't like the modern idea that sex should be treated as something as casual as eating a meal.






I think he had some high fructose corn syrup too. You can't cherry pick the burger.


To my recollection, Jules didn't say that he was a vegetarian. He said that his girlfriend is a vegetarian which means that he is too. In other words, he probably has a lot of vegetarian meals with her despite not being a vegetarian. I consider this to be similar to the argument over whether Vincent watched T.V. It's not meant to be so literal.


Pretty spot on. Also extremely obvious to anyone who has ever had a conversation in their life. Saying he was pretty much a vegetarian was a joke. He made a funny.


Could the fact that Vince lied about not watching TV be a sign that he was not going to have a change in heart?

Before they went into Brett’s apartment: “I don’t watch TV”
Driving back from Brett’s apartment: “You ever see that show COPS?”


lol nice catch.


Not watching tv and knowing a hugely popular tv show like cops are two different things. It's not like he would straight up leave a room if a tv was on. But I like your moxy pal. But it's hardly a contradiction.


Well he did know about a very specific episode so obviously he did watch it at least somewhat consistently.


How does knowing about a specific episode mean you watch it somewhat consistently? If anything, with the evidence provided, he only had to have watched it once.


He said I was “watching it this one time”, that implies that he has seen other episodes. Also he said “I don’t watch TV”, that implies that he has never watched TV in his life, if he said “I don’t watch TV anymore” then the situation would be completely different but that’s not what he said numb nuts.


Saying "I don't watch tv" Doesn't imply he has never watched tv. Not even if you took the sentence as literally as humanly possible.


Yes it does, it implies he’s never seen TV in his life, that’s why Jules asked him “but you are aware that there is an invention called a television”. Since we are going by strict, literal interpretation of the script as you seem to want to do.


That's an off the cuff, almost sarcastic remark, obviously. I'm the one condoning context over being literal. I was just pointing out, that even taken on complete face value it doesn't equate to meaning never having watched a tv. Any person can see that. This is the most pedantic shit Ive ever had the pleasure to argue about. We are both dumber for having had this conversation.


Sorry the dialogue suggests that he has never watched TV, if he had then Jules wouldn’t have had to check to make sure that Vincent actually knew what a television was. Well I don’t know about that, I’m not sure if it was possible for you to get any dumber.


Vincent is just trying to say he doesn’t watch much TV. he’s a movie guy. Jules was just being sarcastic.


Sorry but the dialogue begs to differ.


You are definitely the best at being the worst.


Coming from you that is like the biggest compliment anyone could ever give me.


I don't track your logic, but I am just a simple man, a man with an idea of a world where people can converse and be understood. Where people concede they are wrong.
If you've never been wrong in your life, you should go to Vegas.


You are correct, you are a simple man.


I take pride in that. Complexity is overrated. I like my eggs over easy, my toast burnt and my beer cold. You could make paint dry faster the way you suck the air out of a room.


At least you’re honest with yourself.


It takes a big man to know how small he is. I strive for excellence in all my endeavours, but set myself reasonable goals on the journey. A marathon is an exercise in patience. Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm Rome. You're IKEA furniture.


Woa simmer down there sparky, your getting a little ahead of yourself with your superiority complex.


Said the Princess to the fairy godmother. Dance monkey, dance.


Go see a therapist you loser.


Should I make an appointment ?Or just ogle her through the window.


Whatever it takes.


Takes about 5 minutes as the crow flies.


I hope they are able to help you, you need the very best.


I won't except the best. I want the lean, keen adequate machine. The best think they already know. In my book that means they've given up. If you're the best at what you do, you should welcome competition. Peace in the middle east. Blessed in the west. Come forth, ye in the north. Down in the south, we we down for a joust.


OK well if you don’t expect the best I will tell them that you need the best and hopefully you’ll get more out of this experience than you expected.


I'm glad I have you to look out for me.


You should be, most people are not so fortunate.


C'mon, that IKEA quip was funny, you laughed.


Sorry, MovieChatUser, but Mrmojo and Davodikum are right on this one. Vince was basically saying he doesn't watch much TV, although he probably watched movies. I could say the same thing since I don't watch TV series, but I do enjoy movies; yet saying I don't watch TV series is different than saying I have never viewed a TV series or that I never see part of an episode of a show when my wife is watching one.

In short, you're taking the statement "I don't watch TV" too literally.


Nope I was right on point, and I stand by my position.


I hope your joking.


Nope I am not


If I say "I got to Bob's house at noon" does that mean I got there at exactly 12:00 or around 12:00? Even if I actually arrived at 12:17 it wouldn't make my statement false since it's assumed that it's not literal in the exact sense. The same principle applies.


David, meet brick wall. Brick wall, meet David.


Yes it does, it implies he’s never seen TV in his life

right there is where this "conversation" really left the rails.


Excellent theory.
